⚠️Poetic Ridiculousness⚠️

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I have my arm draped over his shoulders, pulling him to my side as we walk, but Tenko is still leading the way. If I had to guess, it's probably around six thirty in the morning. The air is stale, thin, and cold; the sun is taking its time inching up the blue sky. The world has slowed down for me and Tenko, for this stupid stroll we're taking. It must know that we need a breather before jumping back into the chaos.

"Where are you taking me, you little psychopath?" I ask Tenko. He just grins and stays silent, leaning his head on my shoulder as we go. We take a few turns and cut through a few alleys. Soon enough, we're at some hole-in-the-wall bar with a neon sign that reads: "Zoey's". (Though the 'o' light is dead, so it really says Zey's.)

Tenko unwraps my arm from his shoulders and slides his hand into mine. I activate my quirk beforehand, and I have no problem keeping my eyes locked on him. "Thought we could use a drink or two," Tenko says. "If that's cool with you, Eraserhead."

I smirk at him, teasingly. "Didn't I tell you my name isn't Eraserhead? It's Shouta. You should know that, shouldn't you? With that crush of yours and all."

Tenko's smile is so subtle, but so mesmerizing. Our voices are lower than a whisper, but I can hear nothing but him. "I don't think I'd consider this just a crush anymore, Shouta."

I can't lie, the way he says my name tugs on a few neglected strings within me. I squeeze his hand, trying to steady myself, because I'm not sure if Tenko brought me here with ulterior motives. And I don't want to push him to do something he's not in the right mindset for.

But Jesus fucking Christ, he's playing with me, isn't he? Glancing at me like that. Tugging on the hem of my shirt. Whispering like a goddamn pornstar.

Tenko takes a seat at the bar. This place is open 24/7 according to the sign out front, but it's a ghost town in here. It's just the bar tender, some guy passed out in a booth across the room, and me and Tenko.

"What can I get you two?" asks the bartender. She seems exhausted, rightfully so, and so I fish out a few extra bills for her while Tenko orders.

"Tequila sunrise," Tenko says. "Uh, two of them. Please."

"Alright, coming right up," the bartender says. She turns around and gets to mixing, and I turn my attention back to Tenko, a sly smile on my face.

"You tryna get me drunk, pretty boy?" I tease.

Tenko grins and rolls his eyes, speaking much more sultry than necessary. "My bad. I thought you could handle your liquor, sir."

Fuck, this man is going to be the death of me. "I can," I say. "It's you I'm worried about. Last time you got drunk, you almost killed me. And my eyes are too tired to stop you."

Tenko hums, deviously so. "I hope that's the only thing that's tired."

I don't get flustered very often. Actually, I don't even remember the last time I was flustered. But somehow, somehow, Tenko has me wrapped around his deadly little finger.

The bartender hands us our drinks, and thankfully, she doesn't comment on our already off-balance faces. Tenko played with the straw of his drink, drinking slowly. I just watched him at first, tracing the rim of my glass with the tip of my finger. When my drink is gone, Tenko's is still half-full. He stares at me, probably laughing at my flustered face. He's got a blush of his own, dusted over his face. His scars look shinier than usual, which is most likely an after effect of the moisturizer treatment. He looks skinner, which isn't a good thing in his case, but outside of that, he looks healthier. And more importantly, happier.

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