Midnight Terrors

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I like staying with Eraserhead. During the week, he goes to work at Yuuei and I stay in and play games on Present Mic's Switch. On the weekends, Eraser spends the day with the other Yuuei staff and police officers searching for the missing student, Uraraka Ochako. Eraser says he's having a hard time convincing them that it wasn't the league who took her, but he says he'll keep fighting for me. Quietly, as to not make himself suspicious.

I'm just happy he's fighting for me at all.

I really like Eraserhead. I mean, I've always thought he was cool, ever since he debuted as a pro hero (before quickly changing his mind and getting out of the public eye.) Eraserhead turned eighteen when I was eleven, and the age gap was a little iffy, but now that we're both adults, able to think at least semi-rationally with our fully developed brains, it doesn't really matter. He fascinated me back then, and he continues to fascinate me every single day.

Eraser is kind, thoughtful, and stern. He's a good cook, a good father, and an overall reasonable man. The rules he has set for me are easy to follow, much simpler than I expected:

1) I'm not allowed to be alone in the house with his kids, Hitoshi and Eri. I was fine with that, considering my distaste towards children. But I have to admit, I've warmed up to Eri after she braided my hair to match Eraser's. Hitoshi still isn't fond of me, but that's expected. He's old enough to understand all the horrible things I've done.

2) I have to take a shower and moisturize every day. It's a hassle, but Eraser says it's important that I take care of myself. And, if my depression is really kicking my ass, he helps me out. It has only led to sex twice out of eight times, and I have to say I'm not disappointed.

3) And the final rule, I can't go outside. This rule I really don't care about. I don't ever want to leave this paradise I've stumbled across.

But in the back of my mind, I know I can't stay forever. I'm putting Eraser and his family in danger by being here. Even though All For One's strange bond with me has faded almost into nothing, I can feel it slowly creeping back. He's angry with me, I know that, and when he escapes, I'm as good as dead.

I know Eraser said he could protect me, but he's never seen AFO truly angry. If he had, he wouldn't be treating me, AFO's worthless puppet, with so much care. If he saw the things AFO can do, and has done, I think the hero would take precautions into his own hands and kill me while I'm asleep and vulnerable in his bed.

The thought makes it hard to sleep. Eraser notices this. One night, two weeks after I unofficially moved in, Eraser turns to me in the darkness, gently pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"It's past midnight," he whispers. "You should be asleep."

"You should, too," I tell him. "Don't you have work tomorrow?"

Eraser shuffles a bit closer to me. "No, tomorrow's Saturday. I'll be out looking for Uraraka."

"You'll need the rest," I say.

"You need rest, too," he counters. "What's bothering you?"

I know I can't tell him, not really. I don't want to scare him away, not when I'm so close to forgetting all about my life in villainy. I close my eyes and let my forehead fall on his chest. "Just nightmares," I say. "Nothing serious."

Eraser doesn't believe me, but he can't argue. He pretends to take the bait, rubbing his palm over my back and kissing my forehead. A dark voice in the back of my head tells me it's not me that he wants; if Present Mic we're still around, he'd be the one in Eraser's bed.

I tell that voice to shut the fuck up and let me focus on the amazing man before me. I deserve something sweet after all the bullshit I've went through. Eraser said so, and he wouldn't lie to me.

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