Down with the Heroes

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3rd person

"Dad," Hitoshi whispers, poking Aizawa's forehead. Aizawa grumbles, rolling over. "Dad," Hitoshi repeats, adding a hiss to his voice. "Dad, wake up."

"Wha–" Aizawa slurs, peeling his left eye open. "What? What time is it?"

"It's 4:13 in the morning," Hitoshi answers. "Can I have your keys?"

"Hrm?" Aizawa says, his spirit gurgling in the back of his throat. "What the hell? No?"

"Dad, Kaminari is stuck in our attic," Hitoshi explains, fighting for his life to not burst out laughing. "I need to unlock the door to the attic."

Aizawa rubs his eyes and sits up, feeling his heart start to beat as he regains his life force. "What the fuck are you talking about, 'Toshi?" he says, rolling his shoulders back. "Why are you in my room at four in the morning?"

"I told you," Hitoshi chuckles. "Kaminari is in our attic. He was trying to find my bedroom window, but he went one window too high and now he's stuck in our attic. Lemme just unlock the door, and then you can go back to sleep."

"Why was Kaminari trying to get into your bedroom to begin with?" Aizawa sighs, scooting out of his bed. "Didn't I say no loud blondes? And why aren't you asleep, Hitoshi? I told you no more all nighters!"

"I know, I know," Hitoshi says, following Aizawa out of the room. "But I couldn't sleep, and neither could he."

Aizawa sighs, taking the attic key out of the top drawer in the bathroom. He's not sure why Hizashi insists on keeping the keys and other important items scattered around the house, but after all these years, Aizawa has gotten used to it. He takes the key to the latch above their heads in the hallway, gently pulling down the trapdoor after unlocking it. A ladder slides down–and so does Kaminari, face planting onto the carpet.

"Mr. Aizawa! Thank you!" the blonde boy squeals as he jumps to his feet, his body buzzing and humming with little sparks of electricity. "Morning, Sensei! How're you doing? Did you sleep well? Hey, why should you never fight a dinosaur? 'Cause you'd get jurasskicked. Get it? Like jurassic, but–"

"Kaminari," Aizawa says, rubbing his face with his palm. "For the love of god, shut up."

"Got it!" Kaminari squeaks. He jerks his thumb over his shoulder, smiling wide. "I'm just gonna... go... with Hitoshi... okay?"

"If either of you wake me up again, I'll cruisfy you," Aizawa says. "And get some sleep."

"Night, sensei!"

"Good night, dad."

"Night, you fucking brats." Aizawa heads back to his room, dragging his feet. But on his way, he notices the sound of Hizashi's dry, chronic coughing filling the hallway. Aizawa throws Hizashi's door open, hurrying to his side and helping him sit up. "Hizashi?" Aizawa whispers. "Can you hear me? Try to breathe, okay?" Aizawa feels his husband's head, and his blood runs cold when the back of his hand is met with a burning fever. This is the fourth time this week. "I'm going to get you some medicine, alright?" Aizawa says quickly. "I'll be right back."

"N-no," Hizashi chokes out. His voice is hoarse and weak. Pleading, almost. "Don't l-leave, please."

"Hizashi," Aizawa strains. "You need medical attention. You're burning up, and your throat–"

"I'm fine," Hizashi breathes, clearing his throat for the final time, though it doesn't do much. He still sounds nothing like himself. "I just need... some water..."

Aizawa sighs, nodding slowly as he leaves to get a cup of water. He knows he shouldn't ignore the signs of illness, but quite frankly, he's exhausted. The sound of Hizashi's wheezing breath put him on edge, making him toss and turn for hours. Eventually Aizawa just tells himself he'll do something about it in the morning and falls asleep.

In the morning, of course. They'll have plenty of time tomorrow morning.


"Did you hear the news?" Twice whispers to Shiggy as they sit around the island counter chomping on boozy cereal. "Stupid shit," Twice says again.

"What is it?" Toga hums. Since she's underage, Kurogiri made her blueberry muffins instead.

"Present Mic died two days ago," Twice chuckles. "It was tragic," he says in a different tone. "The news just announced it this morning. They said he had severe laryngitis and his throat was swelling up from all his yelling. Something about his quirk catching up to him or whatever."

"Ha," Spinner blurts, a smile on his scarred face. He swallows a spoonful of Coco Puffs, tasting Kahlua and chocolate. Boozy cereal. He and Tomura make awkward eye contact. It was weird having the lizard villain back in the house, especially under these circumstances. "Another hero down, guys! And wasn't he married to that weird teacher guy you're obsessed with, Tomura?"

"I'm not obsessed with him," Tomura scoffs. "I just... admire him... And anyway, this isn't good. Now Shouta is going to be stressed and upset."

"Perfect for attack," Spinner says. "Whaddya think, Kurogiri?"

"I agree," he says solemnly. "If we want to make a move, it should be soon."

"You guys are heartless," Toga whines, chomping on her breakfast. "The man just lost the love of his life, and now you're going to attack his students? Cruel."

"Yeah," Twice yips. "Give the man a break."

"We're villains," Spinner grumbles, "not therapists. This is an opportunity for us."

"Agreed!" Compress sings. "And anywho, we're only there for information. We just need to know how much they know about us. Simple!"

"Oh! Oh! Pick me!" Toga squeals. "I wanna go!"

"Then it's settled," Shiggy croaks. "Compress, Toga, Kurogiri, and I will invade U.A. tonight. It'll take no longer than an hour. Short and sweet."    

"Whatever," Spinner sneers. "I've had enough fun this week. Just try not to get distracted by your hero boyfriend."

"He's not my fucking boyfriend," Tomura growls. "Shut your mouth and mind your business."

"Alrighty, boss. Down with the heroes!" Spinner cheers, a smile wiggling on his twisted, reptilian face.

Tomrua, Himiko, Kurogiri, and Compress exchange looks, feeling uneasy with a sense of knowing. "Down with the heroes," they echo. "Down with the heroes."

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