Today's Performance

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3rd person

"Try not to draw attention to yourselves," Spinner says quietly, tugging his hood over his head. It's early in the morning, and the crowd of students are moping to their first period classes. The staff don't seem to be patrolling the campus or anything like that, so the three villains don't stand out as much as they normally would.

"I know how to infiltrate," Himiko sings. "Wait, what are we looking for again?"

"We need to get to the principal's office," Tomura croaks. "So I'm assuming it's in that big building over there. Our best bet is to get a student's blood and have Himiko transform quickly."

"But even if I get to the office," Himiko scoffs, "I don't know what I'm looking for. You weren't very specific, after all."

"Let's just go together, then," Spinner suggests, chuckling lightly. "I'm bored anyways. Whaddya say, boss? Let's just mow the crowd down."

"You're too violent," Tomura grumbles. "We probably should've thought of a plan before portaling here."

"Is that..." Kendo whispers to Monoma, tapping his shoulder. Monoma snaps out of his little trance and whips his head around. "Look, that way!" Kendo blurts. "I think that's the league of villains!"

"Well, well, well!" Monoma laughs. "I wonder what they're doing here! Did they really think they could tackle our school after failing to do so twice? And against the weak class 1-A? Pathetic!"

"Shut up, Neito," Kendo grumbles. "C'mon, we need to go report it."

"Tomura," Spinner says, nodding to the ginger and her blonde friend who're racing into the main building. "We've been spotted."

"Fuck," Tomura grumbles. "Alright, I guess we're being violent today. Kurogiri is gonna fucking flip is we headline the news again, so keep the flashy stunts to a minimum."

Spinner just smirks, rolling his shoulders back as he prepares his attack. It only takes a few seconds for the campus to be in chaos, and a herd of pro hero teachers are firing at the three villains. Spinner swings his massive sword, cackling like a maniac, while Toga goes trigger happy with her knives. Meanwhile, Tomura just surveys the place. Search for the targeted information, or look for class 1-A's homeroom teacher?

"Don't be stupid," he hears All For One's voice growl in his head. "Follow the mission. Do not disappoint your team."

Tomura nods to himself, stepping forward. The heroes seem to avoid his path as he goes, diving out of the way as to not be touched by his deadly five fingers. They throw attacks his way, though, and so it takes him awhile before he's inside the building. His feet drag down the tiled floors. Students are screaming, security alarms are blaring. More and more heroes emerge to take the villains down. For some reason, Tomura is completely absent minded. He doesn't even remember where he is.

"Shigaraki!" blurts an angry, raspy voice. Tomura turns around, grateful that the hand on his face hides his tired expression. "You damn villain! I'm gonna blast you to shreds!" It's Bakugou Katsuki, of course. He's been angry from the year prior when Shigaraki's team kidnapped him, and ever since he's been struggling to find an outlet for all the frustration. Frankly, Tomura doesn't care. He doesn't know this boy, doesn't understand this boy, and isn't going to waste his time trying to.

A red haired boy races up to Bakugou's side, tugging his arm. Kirishima, Tomura remembers faintly. "We gotta evacuate, man!" Kirishima says, pulling Bakugou's arm. "Principal Nezu said so!"

"Nah, I'm not passing up an opportunity like this," Bakugou declares. "I'm going to kill this damn bastard!"

By this time, Tomura has lost all interest. He moves toward the principal's office, ignoring the quickening stomping sound of the angry boy behind him. Tomura sighs, raising his right hand as he turns around slowly. Bakugou's hand is up, too, ready to release a nasty blast, but Tomura knows how this is going to go. He's going to win because his master expects nothing less.

"Bakugou!" screams another voice. Suddenly, Tomura can feel his quirk being silenced, and the power of Bakugou's explosion throws him down, bruising and burning his body. As much as he wants to, Tomura can't feel it. He can't feel anything since all the power in his mind is focused on the sounds of that voice. Shouta Aizawa. Eraserhead. "Get him out of here, Kirishima," Aizawa orders. "Quickly. Our security is down, and we don't know how much back up they have."

"Got it," Kirishima says, tugging Bakugou's arm. Aizawa tracks up to Tomura, glaring down at his burnt body. The blast ruined the front of his shirt, revealing old scars and such from when All For One and the doctor worked to improve his skills–and his loyalty. Tomura's body starts to tremble at the sight of Aizawa, and he can feel his breath hitch in his throat. Of course, Aizawa's look is full of disdain. With his quirk still activated, he uses his binding cloth to secure Tomura and prevent him from running. Not that he would try to or anything.

"You really are," Tomura breathes, "pretty cool, Eraser Head."

"Quiet," Aizawa barks. "What are you doing in my school? I told you to stay away from my students."

"I didn't want to," Tomura answers with a small chuckle. "He made me, Eraser. I didn't want to hurt you—"

"What are you talking about?" Aizawa says in a harsh whisper, tightening his scarf. "What's going on?"

"C-can't... tell..." Tomura's head is flaming, crowded, and angry. All For One is not happy with today's performance.

"How many of your guys are here?" Aizawa says. "It can't be just the three of you."

Tomura shakes his head. "Just... Spinner, Himiko, and I. N-no one else. God, Eraser, it hurts..."

"I trusted you," Aizawa says harshly. "I fucking trusted you, Tomura! My students are in danger because of that. Tell me why you're here. What do you want?"

"Information," Shiggy says breathlessly, his heart thumping in his chest. "He wants to know... what you know... Eraser, he's going to kill us. He's going to kill us if I go back. I'm a traitor, I... I—"


Aizawa's grip loosens just enough for Tomura to break free. The villain is confused at first, but after Aizawa repeats himself a little more harshly, Tomura's stumbles out of the binding cloth, bolting to the office. All Might races up behind Aizawa, rage in his dark eyes. "Aizawa!" All Might blares. "You let him go!"

Aizawa isn't quite sure of the circumstances. His head is foggy; his throat is dry. "Apologies, All Might. Are my students safe?"

"Yes," All Might breathes. "But we weren't able to capture any of the villains. And we don't know why they were here to begin with."

"It couldn't have been anything big," Aizawa says. "It was just the three of them, after all."

"Yes, well," All Might says, "we still need to keep an eye out. We can't trust those villains as far as we can throw them." He pats Aizawa on the back, sighing once again. "Go back home, Aizawa. Rest. Listen to your son; he's awfully insightful, after all."

"Yeah," Aizawa says. "Got it."

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