Golden Visit

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POV Aizawa

"My goodness, what happened to you, Shouta?!" Recovery Girl exclaims as I limp into her office. It's late, and I see she was just starting to pack up, but obviously, my injuries are dire. "Sit, problem child! What were you thinking, running out on the streets at night? Without your scarf or goggles–" She huffs angrily, kissing my forehead before quickly grabbing new bandages and gauze. My head feels light, and the sudden fatigue didn't help at all. "I'm shocked they let you teach heroes, Shouta. You're quite the vigilante."

"Still getting the job done," I mutter. I don't bother to tell her I was kidnapped. And of course, I don't drop any names.

"Of course," Recovery Girl says, cutting my pant leg at the knee to treat the slash on my calf. "You're the best of the best, Shouta. But you really do need to take care of yourself more! You know these students look up to you. You play the father figure for nearly half of them! How would you feel if one of your students ran around getting stabbed in the throat?"

"Midoriya breaks a bone every twenty minutes," I say lazily, "and endures Bakugou's blasts every ten minutes. Todoroki has been burned more times than I can count by his own family, and Kaminari fries his brain more than he does his homework. I'm fairly certain they're immune to pain."

Recovery Girl shakes her head. "You love them and you know it, you big softie. So tell me, who were you protecting this time?"

Immediately, images of Tomura flash in my brain. I squeeze my eyes shut and blame it on my blood loss. "Myself," I say instead, tilting my head back.

Recovery Girl sucks her teeth, obviously not believing me. But she doesn't say anything else. She just bandages me up, kissing my cheek once more, and ordering me to rest. "I'll tell Nezu," she says. "Have some time to yourself, darling."


I wake up to the sound of a scream and immediately jerk upwards. My eyes are burning, and all my senses are hyperactive. "Wha– is there an attack?" I scan the room and nearly curse out the little devils causing the ruckus. Hitoshi stands on the side of the bed, a scowl on his face and Eri's ankle in his hands. Eri, on the other hand, is gripping my blanket for dear life, trying to snuggle under the covers with me, I presume. I glare at them both, and they know immediately to explain.

"Toshi is trying to throw me," Eri blurts, shoving her pointer finger in Hitoshi's direction. "He's being a big meanie." My eyes snap over to him, unimpressed.

"It wasn't like that," he scoffs. "She came in here trying to wake you up. I told her you need rest, but she wouldn't listen."

"I was just trying to cuddle!" Eri whines.

"You can't unless Dad is awake and you know that," Hitoshi says. "What if your power activated, and we didn't know, and you–"

"Hitoshi," I interrupted, putting my palm up. Hitoshi crosses his arms over his chest, annoyed. "I get it," I tell him, "and you're not wrong, but..." We both glance at Eri, the girl who's been through so much in her short life time. Tears bubble in her eyes, and a pout of guilt forms on her face. She starts to mutter apologies, something she did far before she was rescued, but Hitoshi and I stop her.

"It's not your fault, Eri," Hitoshi whispers. I pull the blanket back, letting both the kids crawl in next to me. We're huddled together, as if it's the middle of winter, but the three of us are knocked out in the blink of an eye.

Part of me wonders if Hizashi is near, but the majority of me is too exhausted to really think about it. Tomorrow, I tell myself, but even that thought is lost to the dream realm.        

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