Mind, Body, and Soul

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*right after Aizawa gave them information about Dabi and Hawks*


"He's gone, Tomura, you can breathe again," Mr Compress teases, rubbing my back. A blush creeps over my face, and I drop my head on the bar counter. "Perhaps we villains really have gone soft."

"Jeez, maybe you're right," Twice chuckles. "Zip it, Showman!"

"We villains are just as great as we've ever been," Kurogiri announces, getting out a bottle of bourbon (and some lemonade for Himiko). "These next three years will be dedicated to reconstruction, and afterwards, we'll continue on shaping this world into our own."

"Reconstruction of what?" Himiko yips.

"The mind, body, and soul," Compress sings. "Mamagiri is correct. We ourselves must be whole in order to reshape society."

I sit up lazily, pushing myself out of my chair. Twice attempts to grab my wrist, but I weave out of the way. Even after all these years, he still doesn't quite understand that I can't risk physical contact. "Master doesn't want us to take a pause," I say raspily. I try to ignore the annoyed looks on their faces.

"He thinks we can do this without Dabi and Spinner?" Himiko squeaks. "We need time to breathe!"

"I second that," Compress says, a little more stern. "After everything that's just happened, it's best if we collect ourselves first."

"I know," I grumble, "but Master says that we should strike now, considering the number one hero is going to be arrested and all. If the heroes are now villains..."

"... then the villains can be heroes," Kurogiri finishes. "I understand the logic, but he certainly can't think we're stable enough to form an attack, right? Even with the paranormal liberation army, we're weaker than we've ever been."

"The more we wait, the weaker we'll get," I snap at them. I exhale slowly as the silence fills my ears again; by adjusting my father's hand over my face, it isn't so deafening. "How about we head to bed early, alright? You all should get plenty of sleep. We don't know what tomorrow brings."

I head to my room without another word, leaving my makeshift family to nod solemnly in the common area. I pass Magne's room, Dabi's room, and Spinner's room, denying the fear swirling in my stomach. I can't stop the thoughts flooding my brain, polluting the air I breathe. Am I killing them? Am I driving them away? Am I the problem?

I'll kill myself before I kill another family of mine.

"It's thoughts like those that make me wonder whether or not you're the right figurehead for them," All For One's voice says. He's in my head, like usual, and like usual, I push him away. I don't have space for his criticism. I'm perfectly fine hating myself, thank you, and I don't need his help.

When All For One's presence in my mind dissolves, I let my mind stroll through the impossible "what if"s I've been considering for years.

What if I was quirkless? Would my life be easier than it is now if I was a quirkless loser? Maybe my father would've been happier knowing his quirkless son couldn't be a hero no matter how much he wanted to. Maybe my mother would've comforted me more, out of pity. It would've been better than not at all.

Or, better yet, what if I had a quirk like Eraserhead? If I could fight like him, be useful like him, be loved like he is. If I could be him for just a day... would I be happier?

"If you don't stop thinking about that useless teacher," All For One booms in the back left corner of my mind, "I'll obliterate every atom in your body right before his eyes. Not that the hero would care, of course. Remember your place in society, Tomura. You're above those scummy heroes."

I like to think I fall asleep on my own will, but it's not likely. After all, I'm All For One's puppet. Nothing more, nothing less.

I don't know how many hours it's been since I fell asleep, but my phone wakes me up. Because I'm sensitive to light, the screen flashing once was enough to get me. I growl a bit, readjusting my gloves to rub my eyes. I tuck my hair behind my ears, frustrated that Dabi isn't around to brush it for me. (I'm sure Toga is experiencing that same inconvenience.)

I pick up my phone to see a message from Spinner. After our fight, I kicked him out of the league and haven't heard from him ever since. How long has it been now? Three weeks? I'm not sure. I open the message and see one line of text with an address linked below it.

Spinner: I have him. Come alone.

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