Lab Experiment

727 21 56


When I wake up, the first thing I notice is Shouta's absence. He's sitting up, talking to his student, and I'm snuggled under the covers, holding onto the hem of his shirt. The fabric on my thumb and pink fingers is loose, and I immediately retract my hands so as to not cause any damage. Eraser notices I'm awake, but the student doesn't. She's crying, trying desperately to stuff her emotions back down and keep quiet.

Eraserhead pulls her into a hug. He lets her cry some more, and eventually, the girl wrung herself dry. She sniffles and pulls back to rub her eyes. "I'm sorry," she mutters. "This is just awful... all of it..."

Eraser nods. "You need to get back to the dorms," he says. "I'll call Recovery Girl and have her pick you up."

"She's already here," Uraraka says. "For Twice."

Eraser pauses, then his face sinks with realization. It must be worse than I thought. Of course Twice would be distraught— we were all distraught— but if Recovery Girl is here, it means even Dabi and Compress couldn't get things under control. It mean things are getting really fucking bad.

"Alright," Eraser says. "You'll drive back to Yuuei with her then."

Uraraka frowns. "But what about Spinner? And All For One?"

"That's not your battle to fight," Eraser tells her.

"But they killed Himiko!"

"I know that, and I promise they will be dealt with. But before all else, you need to be safe."

"I won't just stand around and do nothing," Uraraka snaps. "I don't care if it gets me expelled. I'm going to kill those bastards!"

"Uraraka," Eraser says slowly, patiently, "take a deep breath. You're not thinking rationally. You need to go back to Yuuei, gather your thoughts, and cope in a healthy way. The last thing Himiko would want you to do is be overcome by your rage and grief."

"Himiko would still be here if I went into the house with her and fought by her side."

Eraser frowns. "You don't know that. If anything, you would've gotten killed right along side her."

"Well then at least she wouldn't have been alone."

Eraser hides his panic with a sigh, forcing his tensed muscles to soften. "Go back to Yuuei, Uraraka. Please."

Uraraka shakes her head. "I'm going to kill All For One if it's the last thing I do. He's not going to get away with this."

"I have things under control—"

"If you had things under control, she wouldn't have died!"

"Uraraka, please—"

"It's your fault! It's all your fucking fault—"

A piercing scream coming from the living room cuts her off. Eraserhead scowls, pointing his index finger at his student. "Stay here," he orders. Uraraka stiffens her upper lip and broadens her shoulders. She nods, hiding her fear and panic, as Eraserhead hurries out of the room.

I follow him without a second thought.

My injuries are mostly healed thanks to Recovery Girl, but I'm still groggy and my limbs don't move as fluidly as I'd like them to. I nearly trip over myself as I follow Eraser down the hallway. He glares at me but helps me stand upright.

In the living room, there's chaos. Twice's mask is torn to shreds on the floor, and Compress is trying desperately to get him to calm down and stop clawing at his face. Kurogiri is face to face with Spinner, though they're at a stalemate. Spinner has Recovery Girl in a headlock, a thick knife pressed against her elderly throat.

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