Top Shelf Liquor

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I can't stop thinking about Touya. It isn't anything new, really. Most of my brain has been taking up by him and his ugly scarred face. He's the love of my life, I decided two years ago when I broke into my rapist's house just because he asked me to. Despite what everyone thinks, Touya is extremely caring. He's protective of the things he cares about (which includes me! And yes, I'm still excited about that after two years of dating him!) and I know he'd do anything, give anything to keep his family safe. 

I know Himiko's death really took a toll on him. I don't think he's really come to terms with it yet. Between All For One's newest attack and Twice's mental state, I haven't really thought too much about it, either. 

I stay strong because I have to. I was trained to push emotions away, store them for times when I'm alone. Or when I'm alone with Touya, and I can fly us up to the top of a random building and we can scream at the sky and then laugh about how ridiculous we are. 

When we arrive at the warehouse, I'm genuinely surprised at how well it's holding up in this area. I park the car around back, driving slowly over the rocky base of the mountain. The house is obscured by the steep, rigid walls or rock, and some stupid birdlike part of me gets excited and giddy upon seeing it; I have the birdlike urge to soar to the top of the mountain, or chill out along side it or something. 

I curse Touya for letting me get so comfortable with that side of my quirk. Seriously, my attention is all over the place. Maybe I should've talked to that doctor Present Mic recommended for my undiagnosed ADHD. 

The thought of Present Mic drags me back into reality. I help Recovery Girl get Twice inside the warehouse with Mamagiri following close behind. He doesn't look too good, either. His mist is almost completely gone. 

Once inside, Recovery Girl turns on the new lamps around the place then steps outside to make a few phone calls. She talks to her husband, Gran Torino, and informs him of the situation without sugarcoating it. Gran Torino seems to just take it at face value; I only met the guy once, but he didn't seem like the type to get worked up over helping villains, as long as it's not All For One, which Recovery Girl made very clear. 

Next she calls Principal Nezu and makes up some bullshit lie to substitute for her and Aizawa's absence. She tells the rat-man that they were chasing a lead on Uraraka's disappearance. She goes on with more fake details while I sit beside Twice at the bar counter. It's different than the one in the base; all the furniture in here isn't bolted down, just thrown in here and are probably spares. I make sure to be careful. 

"Is it like a requirement for you guys to have liquor in your base?" I ask lightheartedly, hoping to make the guy smile. Twice just sinks into his seat, resting his head on the counter. The spare mask Recovery Girl gave him is a little big and it fits awkwardly, but he doesn't seem to care. His mind seems to be elsewhere.

A disgusting, selfish part of me wishes that Twice went through the Hero Program, too. Then he'd at least be able to shut off his sadness when he wants to instead of drowning it in. He doesn't deserve this sort of pain. None of us do.

I rest my face on the counter, too, so me and Twice are face to face. "Wanna get hammered, bro?"

Twice sniffles. "Yeah, bro. That sounds nice."

Fifteen minutes later, I can't walk. Twice and I have, like, melted into each other. He's holding onto me for dear life, but I'm holding onto him too, and I'm convinced that if we let go, we'll both die. 

"Left, left, lefffft, OW!" Twice cries out when I accidentally smack him with one of my wings. "HAWKS! Y-yer, f- OW, OW!" 

"Sorry," I slur out, mixing it with a bit of laughter. My brain isn't all that jumbled and I think I'm thinking clearly-- after all, birds can hold their liquor better than humans, right?-- but my coordination is all wrong, and I've got little to no control over my wings. They keep flapping out and my feathers are littered all over the place. Twice keeps stepping on them, screaming about how the stems hurt his feet. That's when I realize his shoes and socks are off. 

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