Friends Don't Last Forever

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The last time I saw Spinner was when he kidnapped me a few months ago, which was how I earned the jagged scar right above my Adam's apple. All I remember from him was his lack of confidence and unbelievably corny villain aura, like something out of a Disney movie.

But as I listen to Dabi talk, I get the feeling Spinner might be a lot more dangerous than I thought.

"I missed a lot while I was out," Dabi says, kicking his feet up on the dashboard of my car, "but Compress filled me in on all the important stuff. Gossip is, like, half his personality so he might as well put it to use. Usually, before Keigo came into the picture actually, the worst Spinner did was say something mean about one of the blondes. If Kurogiri didn't shut him up first, I usually smacked some fucking sense into him. And that was it."

My face contorts into a grimace. So this guy was bullying Toga and Twice even before all the drama broke out? What kind of idiotic asshole picks on mentally unstable and emotionally damaged people that share a house with you? If he's not concerned about their feelings, he should at least worry for his own safety.

"I haven't seen Himiko's wound," Dabi mutters, "and I've been trying not to think about it— uh, take a left up here."

I follow his instructions, watching as the clean houses with fresh green lawns slowly morph into piles of chipping paint and overgrown grass. "Anyway, you were saying?"

Dabi sighs. "I'm just so fucking pissed that I wasn't there to stop him. I fucking promised Himiko years ago when I first found her that I'd never let anyone hurt her ever again, and here we are..."

"Thinking like that isn't gonna do anything to help you," I tell him. I can tell there are still some drugs lingering in his system, since his pupils are unnaturally dilated and frantic and his words slur together as he works himself up. He looks exactly like the lunatic that the Public Safety Commission is hunting down.

And if I didn't know anything about him, I'd assume he was just that: a fucking lunatic.

But Hizashi got to me, always seeing the best in people. I saw how in love Dabi and Hawks were, how they did anything to protect one another. And how Dabi cares for the league, acting as their big brother who, yeah, could probably use some therapy and a shower. Maybe he's only a few steps away from being a drug addict. But he's still a good person. A necessary evil, per se.

So in my mind, I decide that helping him commit murder is actually for the better. What's the worst that could happen? As unsettling as it is, Dabi has experience in the art of taking human lives. There's no way they could mess this up.

God, I feel sick.

"Wanna make a pit stop at the base?" I ask, keeping my face as stoic as I can. "To check on everyone, I mean. You did just pack up and go as soon as you got back."

Dabi shakes his head. "I'm going to kill Spinner first."

"Seeing Toga and Twice might calm your nerves."

"I'm not fucking nervous," Dabi snaps.

I can't even be mad at him for his tone. It's just bullshit, and even ge know it.

"Fine, I'm a little nervous... very fucking nervous. But I've got it under control. Can't relax until everything is settled. I've been on vacation too long."

"You were doing what you had to in order to keep yourself safe," I correct him. "I wouldn't consider that a vacation."

Dabi sucks his teeth, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I have responsibilities, Eraserhead. As great as Kurogiri is, he's still a nomu. It's my job to step in where he fails, else those cracks will tear us apart. I mean, look at what happened while I was gone?"

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