Glass Castle

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It comes out of nowhere. A searing, burning pain in my head, forcing my eyes closed. I feel like I'm being stabbed from the inside out, and the blood is pooling in my skull, making my head heavy. All my senses are blurry and corrupted, and all I can do is curl up and beg for the pain to stop.

It's All For One. I know it. He's pissed at me, probably trying to kill me from the inside out. I try to tell him that I'm sorry, that I won't betray him ever again, anything to make the migraine stop, but he doesn't listen. In fact, the pain triples, and I inch closer and closer to unconsciousness.

It's hard to distinguish between the fake images All For One forces in my head and the frantic, concerned people in the room with me. Some time between the initial pain and passing out, I register Eraserhead and I cling to him with everything I have. I know that eventually, this thing between us will have to die. Because at the end of the day, I'm All For One's property. But I don't want to let go of this hero yet. Just a little longer. I want to be with him just a little longer.

I wake up a day later. My hair is pulled out of my face, and bandages are wrapped around my forehead. I reach up to touch them, feeling dried blood that had seeped through the fabric. He really did try to kill me from the inside out. I didn't know AFO could do that, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't terrifying.

"AFO isn't strong enough to do anything more than that," I hear Dabi say to Eraserhead. Hawks is listening, too, but his feathers are zooming around the room, tidying things up. One feather pushes a glass of water my way, and I begrudgingly take a sip. "But knowing him, he's probably got some fucking henchmen on their way to break him out right now. When those drugs are out of his system, Tomura is as good as dead. Us, too."

Eraserhead shifts on his feet, eyebrows furrowed. I know it's not the time, but he looks very attractive when he's serious like that. When he's plotting murder. I get a little giddy, thinking about how that man whispers in my ear how much he's obsessed with me while he fucks me late at night.

I take another sip of water, immediately overcome with embarrassment. Seriously, not the time. I blame it on my head wound, diluting my thoughts or whatever.

"Well, there's gotta be something we can do," Hawks says. "We can't just... turn him over."

Eraser nods. "No matter what happens, All For One is not laying a finger on him. Our best choice of action is to have the security increased."

Dabi shakes his head. "More security from the hero commission means more security for you. With bird brain over here on the run and you housing the leader of the league, more security will just bite us all in the ass."

"Then we push for AFO's execution," Eraser says. "That way, Tomura won't have to comply to live under his thumb for the rest of his life."

"Yeah, and the rest of the league would be good to do as they please as well," Hawks chimes in. "Easy fix!"

Dabi shifts awkwardly. He knows it's not that simple. Not only is AFO almost impossible to kill, but also... "It's dangerous," Dabi says.

"How?" Eraser asks, sounding almost offended.

"Out of all of us, Tomura is All For One's favourite puppet," Dabi explains. "I don't really know how to explain it, but... All For One kind of tied his life to Tomura's. I heard the doc say they've been working on it since Tomura was just a kid. If AFO is killed, there's a good chance he'll drag Tomura down with him."

There's a pause, a silent scream that rips the breath out of everyone's throats. They feel bad for me. Pity me.

I hate being pitied.

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