The Things I Want

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I froze as All For One's voice filled my ears. It was different, hearing him out loud versus in my head. Even in the dark, I can tell which direction he's coming from. His power is overwhelming in person, and I feel like I'm suffocating as he slowly steps toward me, still droning on about how I've betrayed him.

I'm happy Hawks and Eri were able to escape. My demise was inevitable, but they still have so many more opportunities coming their way. Eri especially. If I have to sacrifice myself to let them keep living, then so be it.

I almost curse myself for thinking like that. Who am I, a fucking hero? Eraser has really been getting to me these past couple of weeks.

All For One stays in the shadows. His voice is coming from the left, where the front door is. To my right is the hallway where Eraserhead's room is.

I tip toe down the hallway, hoping All For One doesn't hear my movements.

He does. What was I thinking? The man can hear my every thought.

Before I know it, his hand, big and calloused and violent, is clutching my jaw, jerking me in place. I cry out in pain as his dull fingernails dig into my skin.

"I am done being lenient," AFO snarls, tightening his bruising grip. "You belong to me, Tomura. You will not disobey me."

I reach up and claw at his arm, desperately trying to pull off this damn glove. If I can use my quirk, maybe I can get myself out of this. Maybe I can be okay.

All For One uses one of his many quirks to bind my hands behind my back. He shoved me onto the hard wood floor, then drops his boot onto my abdomen. I cry out with agony as he kicks and kicks and kicks, and before long, I'm choking on the blood pooling in the back of my throat, tears spilling down my cheeks and clouding my vision. I'm an incoherent mess, and every staggering breath I take seems to be pissing this monster off even more.


I'm sputtering out apologies, begging him to stop. My words slur into a jumbled mess, but it doesn't matter because All For One is ignoring me anyway.

At this point, I would do anything to make him stop. It's been a while since I've been beaten so badly, and I'm not used to it. I hate this hopeless, helpless feeling. I hate the rapidly forming bruises, the burning, bleeding impact wounds. I hate All For One. I fucking hate him.

And I'm scared.

He's going to kill me.

I don't want to die. Not like this. I want to go back to the base and see my family. I want to bicker with Dabi about dumb shit and snap at Himiko and Twice for singing too loud. I want Compress to fill me in on all the gossip, and I want Mamagiri to scold me for playing video games instead of sleeping.

I want to fall asleep next to Eraserhead and wake up with him still by my side. I want him to take care of me and still never see me as a burden. I want to blush with embarrassment as he teases me about stupid things like how I refuse to tie my hair back and named my island on Animal Crossing "EraserDust."

I even want to play Powerpuff Girls with Eri and Hawks again. Those silly cartoons are so cute and sweet, and I'd kill to sit and watch them again without a care.

I don't want to die.

As if they heard my thoughts, Eraserhead and Dabi burst through the door, letting light flood the room. All For One stops his abuse on me and whips his head around to face them. He snarls, then raises his palms as he shuffles through his Russian roulette of weaponized quirks.

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