Weak Knot

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When I wake up, my clothes are covered in blood. I'm tied to a metal folding chair, though the rope is loose and the knots are pathetic. Once I gain enough strength, I can easily break out. In the meantime, I blink myself awake and take in my surroundings. I'm in an abandoned house, made of flimsy wood and chipping paint. It's dark out, I see through the small window to my left, and muggy clouds cover the dark blue sky. I wiggle my fingers; they're also sticky with blood.

"You're up," snaps an oddly familiar voice. "Finally." I crane my neck as much as I can, trying to look behind me, but it's no use. My head is too foggy to remember who it belongs to. I decide to keep my mouth shut, considering how injured I am already. The sound of heavy footsteps drag themselves around me, and finally I get to see the face of my capture.

"Spinner," I cough out. "From the league villains."

Spinner scoffs at me. "I'm not working with them anymore," he says. "You're here on my account, not Shigaraki's."

I roll my eyes on instinct. This man is a cross between a heartbroken teenager and a fresh-out-of-jail uncle. Still, I don't detect any threat from him. The worst (the sloppily bandaged gash on my throat) has already happened. "So what am I here for?" I ask monotonously, failing to stifle a yawn.

Spinner pauses, but I can hear him grumbling behind me. "Obtaining you was step one of my plan," Spinner finally says.

I raise one eyebrow, completely unconvinced. "What's step two?"

There's another bit of silence, and I have to fight back the laugh in the back of my throat. "It can go one of two ways," Spinner blurts. I'm convinced he's making it up as he goes. "I could either... kill you, and then... Shigaraki would be upset or... you could help me kill Shigaraki."

"Pfft, Wow," I say, pursing my lips to hold the laugh back. "You are quite the villain if I do say so myself, Spinner."

"Shut up!" Spinner snaps. "I'll kill you!"

"Yeah, so I heard." I blink a few more times, coming back to my senses. In a few moments, I'll break out of these weakly tied ropes and kick the shit out of this lizard guy. Spinner scrapes two blades against each other behind me, probably thinking he's intimidating me. I take a deep breath, and as I exhale, I push off on my feet, colliding with Spinner and breaking the chair on impact. Thankfully, he's slow to swing his blade, and I have time to easily wiggle out of the ropes. I plan to use them like my scarf and tie the lizard moron up, but he's quicker than I thought, spinning around on the floor and slashing my calf. What a pain. "I'm too tired for this," I say, swinging the rope around his throat. I toss him to the side and don't waste any time hurrying to the door. As soon as I pull it open, though, I'm face to face with Tomura Shigaraki.

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