Asking For Help

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3rd Person POV

Himiko sits with Twice in their room, both of them spacing out as a cartoon show flashes on the old-school TV before them. Himiko shifts, the bandages on her neck unbelievably scratchy. She can't sit still, and Twice notices.

"Do you have to pee or something?" he asks.

Himiko shakes her head. "I... I'm thinking about what Spinner said. Do you think I'm the reason the league doesn't get anything done?"

"What? No! Of course not!" Twice exclaims. "I think it's because Dabi isn't here. He usually works with Mamagiri to keep everyone in check." He gestures to Himiko's unbrushed hair and chuckles. "So everything will be better when he comes back."

"It's already been too long," Himiko mutters. "What if..."

Twice tilts his head. "What if...?"

"What if we went to look for him?" Himiko offers. "Then we could bring him home and fix everything."

Twice frowns. "Mamagiri said that we have to wait, remember?"

"I know, but I don't think I can wait another year." She glances up at Twice with teary eyes. "I really can't, Jin."

Twice purses his lips. "Okay... Okay, then we can go look for him. Together."

"No, I have to go by myself," Himiko said. "You have to stay to make sure Spinner doesn't go crazy."

"It's too dangerous for you to go alone!" Twice says. "What if someone hurts you?"

Himiko giggles. "I'll be okay, I promise. Will you watch over my stuffed animals?"

Twice sniffs back his tears. "S-sure, of course," he whispers. "Be quick, okay? I can't lose all my friends at once. It makes me sad."

"I'll be back before you know it!" Himiko cheers. "And I'll have Dabi and Hawks with me, and we can all play Mario Kart together."

"Okay... bye Himiko."

"Bye, Jin. You're the bestest friend ever. I love you."

Twice sniffles. "I love you, too."


Ochako sighs, sitting down against a tree stump with her knees pulled up to her chest. She's imagining her breath dissipating into the night air. Goosebumps are spreading like oil over water across her skin, and the little hairs stand up like marching soldiers. She's tired, but not sleepy. There's way too much going on, she thinks, and Ochako feels like she can't keep up. Her brain just can't turn off.

Is she doing the right thing? Running away? Framing Toga Himiko and Ashido Mina? Part of her knows it's wrong, but another part of her is so angry. Both of them just parade around the fact that they're lesbian. And because they're bubbly and extroverted, nobody even cares.

But if it were Ochako, she'd be pushed around and bullied. She'd be exiled, shunned. It isn't fair, she thinks. She should at least make it fair.

In the distance, Ochako hears leaves rustling, unnaturally so. She would've shrugged it off as a figment of her imagination if it didn't happen again, but it does, and Ochako finds herself running her fingers over a few rocks before jogging over to the noise. "Is anyone there?" she asks, though her voice is squeaky, like a child checking their closet for monsters.

Toga swings down, hanging from a thick tree branch, with a wild smile painted across her pale face. The bark rubs awkwardly against the back of her knees, and her skirt flies upwards, but she couldn't care any less. She catches sight of those incredible brown eyes and feels the rush through her veins once again. "Ochako," she breathes, flipping over and landing hard on her feet. She skips toward the hero student, aiming for a hug, but Ochako steps out of the way, eyes wide with fear.

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