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3rd person POV

The next morning, Twice and Hawks wake up in a pile of feathers. The lumpy couch pushed bruises into Hawks' skinny frame throughout the past three and a half hours, and Twice wasn't any better off, with half his torso hanging off the edge. He groans and sits up, the awkward texture of unbrushed feathers scratching him through his suit. Even though the spare mask Ms. Chiyo had given him is a little big, it stayed on well during his drunk nap. Twice yawns, stretches his arms up, and plops onto the floor with a loud thud, dragging Hawks with him.

"Nooooo," Hawks cries, scrambling up to crawl back onto the lumpy couch island. His entire body is aching, and for some reason, the world outside of the couch feels unbelievably cold. He steps on Twice's chest, making the man shriek with agony, before curling back up in a pile of feathers. Safe and sound. 

"Looks like the boys are up," Reovery Girl says, hopping down from the bar stool. Lady Nagant follows her, still a bit awkward. She had filled the elderly woman in on everything up til now, explaining her job at the Hero Commission, her switch to criminal activity, her time in prison, and All For One's deal. She even included the detail about killing Endeavor, which would seriously upset AFO once he finds out. 

After explaining her and Aizawa's story and how they got all wrapped up into this, (starting with when they had helped break Dabi out of prison a few years ago) Recovery Girl had told Lady Nagant that it was best to lay low with them for now. And of course, there was no arguing with Recovery Girl.

"Ms. Chiyo," Twice whines, writhing on the cold, dusty floor. "I'm hungry."

"We'll get you something to eat later," Recovery Girl says, picking up a stray feather. She places it down on top of Hawks, who had fallen back asleep on the plastic-wrapped couch. "For now, you should get up and take your allergy medicine."

"Fuck no," Twice snaps in a much different tone. 

"I have a juice box to go with it," Ms. Chiyo says. 

Twice grumbles something rude under his breath, but the juice box worked its magic as usual. Recovery Girl hands him the drink and two pills, and Twice swallows them begrudgingly. He walks across the dimly lit warehouse and sits down at the bar counter. Recovery Girl nods at Lady Nagant, silently telling her to follow. To keep him calm.  

"Hey," she says, sitting beside Twice at the bar. "You're Twice, right?"

Twice nods, slurping on his juice box. "Mhm. And you're a friend of Ms. Chiyo?"

Lady Nagant shrugs. "Uh, kinda. I just met her. I was actually sent here to kill all of you."

Twice scoffs, his tone darkening. "Good fucking luck. I'm not letting anyone else I care about die. You'll be a rotting corpse in a matter of seconds if you try to lay a hand on any of us."

Lady Nagant smiles at that, which caught Twice off guard. "That little voice thing you do. Is it on purpose?"

Twice blinks, dumfounded. He answers with a shrug and continues drinking his juice box. 

"Don't worry, I changed my mind about all this. I really don't like the drama."

"Me either," Twice mutters. 

"...And, um, I'm sorry about your little sister. Ms. Chiyo told me about her. That really sucks."

Twice doesn't answer at all. He finishes his juice box and tosses it to the side. Lady Nagant watches at it falls pathetically to the cold floor. 

"Twice?" she says. 


"I heard you like to play Just Dance. That true?"

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