Freezing Cold Distractions

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Everything hurts, and it makes it hard to focus on all the blurry faces swishing around above me. I'm freezing cold, and the fact that my shirt was removed (to ice my bruises and bandage up my cuts) isn't helping me warm up. I try to focus my eyes and search for Eraserhead, but I can't find his mop of scraggly black hair with my hazy vision. I must have a concussion or something.

The only parts of me that I have full control over are my hands. I keep them curled into fists at my side so I don't accidentally activate my quirk.

I'm laying on the bar counter, (which is freezing) while Compress stands over me, pressing ice to my abdomen. I flinch at every touch and ignore him when he asks me to stay still. I turn my head to the side and notice Dabi, sitting in one of the stools, hunched over the counter. He's a seat away from me, but if I concentrate, I can feel the heat radiating off of him.

He must've flipped the fuck out when he learned about Himiko. I wish I could've flipped out with him, maybe then he wouldn't look so depressed.

Who am I kidding? How could we not be depressed after losing our little sister? No matter how annoying she is... I mean, was...

I shake the thought from my mind, focusing my attention back on Dabi. His forehead is pressed to the cold countertop, and there's a bit of steam escaping from the labyrinth under his staples, (the little amount that survived his outburst) whistling like a tea pot as it slides past the metal.

I snicker at him.

Dabi turns his head to the side, keeping his cheek pressed to the table as he scowls at me. "The fuck you laughing at, crust pan?"

I snort back the next laugh bubbling in my throat. Maybe I'm a little delirious from the winding down adrenaline and the beating I just took and Himiko's death that really hasn't registered all the way in my mind. But it's a primal instinct of mine to annoy the living shit out of Dabi, so I can say with pride that my insults were spewed in my right mind.

"You look gay as hell," I tell him. "Fuming and shit. What are you, a cartoon character?"

Dabi snarls at me, only proving my point. "I could kill you right now."

"Pfft, yeah. Another day, another slay for you, little blue firecracker."

Before Dabi can attempt to murder me, Compress, who isn't wearing his mask, gives Dabi a pointed glare. "He's just trying to lighten the mood," Compress says. "Leave it be."

"No, I'm serious," I say, knowing damn well I'm fueling Dabi's oncoming flames. "Dabi looks like a total fag right now."


Compress sprays Dabi with water, making him shrink back into his seat, pressing his face against the countertop again. Compress tells us to behave like the adults we are. "You're almost thirty years old, Dabi. It's about time you grow up."

"I'm only twenty six, you shithead!"

"Four years isn't a lot," I mutter to Conpress, purposefully pissing off Dabi. "I wouldn't be surprised if Hawks already has him popping a viagra every night—"

Compress sprays Dabi with the water again, but before I can laugh, he sprays me, too.

"Hey!" I cry out. "What was that for?"

"You're being an ass, Tomura," Compress grumbles, "and honestly, I'm not in the mood for the dramatics. Too much going on."

His comment brings me back to reality. Back to Himiko being dead.

I don't want to think about it. I don't want to lose my shit right now. But with my pain slowly subsiding and my body freezing up and numbing, there's nothing that can distract me. I don't want to have a panic attack and draw all the attention on me, make it look like I'm still some whiny little kid, because I've grown past that. I'm an adult. I'm strong. I'm independent and I can deal with my own fucking problems now.

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