Fan Behavior

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"Wake up!" All For One booms at me. I jerk forward, falling onto the floor. I catch myself with my hands and nearly have a heart attack. I'm staring down at the wooden floorboards for minutes, full panic mode, before I realize nothing's happening. Confused, I sit up, looking at my hands. Leather gloves cover my thumb, pointer, and middle finger, leaving my ring and pinky finger exposed. I let out a sigh of relief, raking my hair out of my face. Eraser must've put the gloves on me so I didn't decay him when I was drunk.

God, I was drunk in front of Eraserhead? I was drunk in front of Eraserhead?

"Glad you feel ashamed, Tomura," All For One grunts. "It's about time you regret mingling with that hero scum."

"Quiet," I growl, trying to rub the hangover out of my temples. "It wasn't like that."

"Watch your tone," AFO snaps back. "I hope this attitude of yours is gone when we meet next week."

"Next week?!" I blurt without thinking.

"What's next week?" Himiko yips, peeking at me over the couch. "Is it our next job? Or Mr. Aizawa coming to visit? Ooh, I'm curious now! What is it, Tomura?"

"Nothing," I mumble, pushing past her. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Finally," Twice teases, nudging my shoulder. "I didn't mean it, boss! I did."

"Morning, sleeping beauty," Compress says, tipping his hat. He glances at my gloves, and I can feel his sly smile under his mask. "I like the gloves, Tomura. Aizawa seems to have taken a liking to you. Perhaps you're more likable than you thought."

I just scoff at him, dragging my feet down the hallway.

3rd person


"So are you going to tell us what happened?" Mina squeals, leaning forward. She starts to blow a pink bubble with her gum and groans dramatically when Jirou pops it with a pen.

"No pressure," Jirou adds. "Encounters with the league are never pretty. Katsuki told me about the time he got kidnapped, said they were all total freaks."

"How did you know I got kidnapped?" Uraraka gasps, stealing a piece of gum from Mina's jacket pocket. Mina just rolls her eyes and turns the music down a little bit.

"And since when were you on a first name basis with Katsuki Bakugou?" Hagakure laughs. "That boy has, like, major anger issues. He's hot, obvi, but he's so annoying!"

"If anyone is annoying," Mina scoffs, wearing an irritated smile, "it's you, bitch."

Hagakure gasps, breaking the awkward moment of silence. "That is so rude! Aren't you guys going to back me up?! That was so uncalled for!"

"You know Mina doesn't like you, Hagakure," Momo says. "Everyone knows she has a problem with you."

"And knowing that, you still decided to show up?" Tsu adds.

"Fan behavior," Mina snickers.

"You don't like me because I'm not... g-gay like the rest of you," Hagakure stammers with a pout. "Y'all are basically hate-criming me at this point."

"What's wrong with being 'gay' Touru?" Jirou snaps. "If we're going there, you've got more enemies than us that you need to worry about."

"And girl, nobody is worried about your dirty ass cis-het self," Mina laughs. "Take a shower. Invisibility is covering sight, not smell."

"Guys, chill out," Uraraka blurts. "She's kinda right. You LGBTQ people make living here really hard for normal people. We don't know if you're hitting on us or just being friendly."

"And if you wanted to, like, rape us," Hagakure adds, "there's so many of not-straight girls and only two normal girls."

"She's right," Uraraka says. "Toga Himiko is a faggot, and she almost killed me because she 'loves me'."

"Toga Himiko is a what?" Mina blurts, her vision getting blurry with red.

"Can you not hear?" Hagakure laughs. "She said a faggot."

After that, things blow up. Tsu and Momo have to call Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Midoriya to hold Jirou and Mina back from fighting Uraraka and Hagakure, and even then, they put up a really good fight. Thankfully, after half an hour, the girls seem to calm down. They go their separate ways, to their rooms and, for the most part, relax for the rest of the night. For the most part because unlike everyone else, Uraraka stays awake, a plan bubbling in her brain.

At least a month from now, she'll pack her bag with clothes and toss it over her shoulder lazily. Her plan is to take the train and disappear for at least a month– enough time for Toga Himiko to be blamed for kidnapping once again. Expect this time, when Mr. Aizawa goes to rescue her, Uraraka won't be there. Toga Himiko will face the wrath of Shouta Aizawa, and when Uraraka returns all beaten and bloodied up, Toga will probably be executed.

And an even sicker thought, she'll tell the authorities that Mina Ashido was the one who bargained her off to the villains.

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