Be My Happily Ever After

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I've never worn a white dress before. My parents always said they were too much money, and that the less fancy pink leisure dresses were a better choice. So every holiday, every family gathering, every birthday, I've worn a cheap pink dress, sometimes a magenta hand-me-down from a cousin-in-law. Never white. 

It didn't upset me all that much. White dresses did look nice, but you had to be really careful in them to not get any stains. And I've never been a sit-still-look-pretty kind of girl. I'm hands on. Kind, but aggressive. At least that's what I'd like to be. I'm not sure how others perceive me, and while there is a nagging voice in the back of my brain that wants to turn back and ask-- or turn back and do anything, really-- most of me doesn't care. With every step I take, it feels like the weight is being lifted from my shoulders. It feels like I was wearing clothes that were sopping wet, and slowly but surely, I'm changing into my comfy pajamas. A night gown. 

A white dress. 

I don't know where I'm going anymore. The scenery morphed into a sea of never ending paleness. White, but not blindingly so. The floor and walls and ceiling stretch on forever, but there's no hint of darkness anywhere. Looking around, I start to forget where I came from. And who I am. And how I got here. 

There's a tree not too far from me with lush green leaves and a large trunk. There's no grass, no roots, and no other signs of life. Just this tree. I decide to make that my destination.  

When I'm only a meter or so away, a blonde girl swings down, hanging from a thick tree branch, with a wild smile painted across her pale face. The bark rubs awkwardly against the back of her knees, and her white dress flies upwards, but she shows no signs of it bothering her. She catches sight me and cries out my name, flipping over and landing hard on her feet. 

Everything floods back in that moment, like a shockwave reverberating through my body. Himiko practically tackles me to the grown, throwing her arms around my shoulders. I wrap my hands around her waist and hold her close to me. I can feel her tears soaking into my skin, but it's more... luminescent than I remember. Still, I hold her. And I don't ever let go. 

"Chako, you're not supposed to be here yet," Himiko sniffles, pulling back from the hug. I keep my hands on her waist, and she keeps hers on my shoulders. We're still only inches apart, but I decide it's too much distance and press out foreheads together. Himiko laughs softly, sniffling back some more tears. "You were supposed to become a hero, remember?"

I brush my fingers over her cheek, then tuck a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Her hair is down and freshly washed and brushed, and she smells like sweet hibiscus soap. "I missed you," I tell her. "I didn't want you to be alone."

Himiko pushes forward and presses her mouth against mine. It's messy and uncoordinated, because neither of us have ever kissed anyone, let alone another girl. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. I wouldn't trade Himiko for the whole goddamn world. 

"You're so stubborn, Chako," Himiko giggles, threading her fingers through my hair. "Gosh, but we put up a good fight, didn't we?"

I nod, snuggling my nose into her collarbone, drowning in the way she laughs at the small tickling feeling. Here, wherever we are, there's no one to tell us it's wrong. There's nothing to stop me from loving this misguided girl. The sky and the sea and the sun and the clouds-- it's all hers. It's ours. 

"We did," I say. 

"Did you see Twice and Dabi and Tomura and Compress and Mamagiri and Dadzawa and Hawksy? Is everyone okay? ...Did we win?"

The honest answer is that I don't know. I was killed by All For One right after being left alone in Tomura's room. But Himiko's eyes are sad. They're desperate. And I can't break her heart anymore than I have already. 

"We won," I tell her. "All For One is dead. Every one has there happily ever after."

Himiko gives me a peck on the lips. "Did I mention you're really cute?"

I can't stop the smile that spreads over my face, so I just kiss her again to hide it. "You did a few times, I think. But saying it again wouldn't hurt."

"Okay!" Himiko beams. "You're cute, you're cute, you're cute! You're so pretty, so beautiful, so handsome, and so gorgeous! I love your eyes and I love your hair and I love your chubby cheeks and I love the way you walk and how your voice sounds when you say my name. I think you're the cutest, most spectacular girl the world has ever seen--"

I kiss her again, this time to shut her up. Our mouths fit perfectly against one another this time. Perfectly paced, perfect amount of pressure. The seconds roll by, and I find myself gently, just barely, swiping my tongue over her bottom lip. Himiko gets the hint and parts her lips, letting me press the tip of my tongue into her mouth. She tastes like copper, but sweeter. I'm drinking her in, absentmindedly fisting her blonde hair to pull her body flush against mine. Even a centimeter of distance between us is too much. I want every inch of her to touch me; I want to run my hands over every part of her body, to explore and take and give and receive. Everything that a person can do, can feel, I want to experience. I want to give this girl my all, because she deserves it and so much more. 

We break the kiss to get some air, and it comes to my attention once again that we have no idea what we're doing. Or where we are. We're both a blushing mess, embarrassed beyond belief for getting so heated in uncharted territory, but we stay clinging onto each other. We'd rather die again than let go. 


She perks up, golden eyes wide and pale face flushed. "Yeah?"

"Did I mention you're really cute?"

Himiko giggles. She sounds like an angel. "No, I don't think you have."

"Well, you are. And I think... No, I know I love you."

"Y-you love me?"

I nod, certain of myself. 

Himiko beams, like she's opening a present she's been asking for all her life. "I love you, too, Chako! But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"I think so. I'm sorry for not giving you a chance until now. You are... incredible. I wish I could've seen it sooner."

"I forgave you ages ago, Chako darling."

I take her hand in mine and gently kiss her knuckles, bowing down as if she were some sort of princess, which I don't think is too far off. "We have the rest of time to spend together," I tell her. "So, if you'll have me, I'd like to be your happily ever after."

All the blood she ever drank rushes to her cheeks, turning her entire face red. She doesn't answer me verbally, but we fall into another heated kiss, so I know my wish was granted. 

A/N: togachako <3

Next will be eraserdust (I'm ready to write smut, but if you guys are uncomfy with that, just lmk!!)



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