Yes Sir

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A week later, I meet All For One face to face for the first time in what feels like forever. Somehow, he's gotten bigger, making me feel even smaller. I try to approach his room as confidently as I can, but I find myself gasping for breath. The dry air behind the run-down building makes my whole body itch, and I find myself scratching my neck until it bleeds. Kurogiri puts his hand on my back, and though the sudden touch makes me jump, I welcome it. Anything to soothe my nerves.

We all walk in together. Me, Kurogiri, Compress, Twice, and Himiko. I feel more powerful with them following me, and All For One must know that because as soon as we enter, he scowls. "I'd like to speak to Tomura alone," he orders. "The rest of you wait outside until I'm ready to speak with you."

"Yes sir," Kurogiri says for everyone. He and Compress have to drag Twice and Himiko out of the room; they were very persistent about staying by my side, and while I appreciate it, I know All For One won't make any room in his new world for people who don't obey him. That being said, I bow my head in his presence, trying to hide my trembling.

I barely hear him move, but before I know it, his fist connects with my left cheekbone, knocking me backwards onto the ground. The pain pulses throughout my face, and I'm scratching and gasping and... crying, on the floor, in front of my master.

"Pathetic," he scoffs. "Get up and stop scratching yourself. You look like a dog." I stumble to my feet as quickly as I can, but my limbs feel like twigs and my head is pulsating, and I can't stand straight. "Answer me when I talk to you, boy."

"Y-yes sir."

"If you continue going down the road you're on, I'll kill you in a matter of weeks. There are plenty of other powerful and loyal ones willing to take your place, Tomura. You should be grateful."

I press my hand to my face. I'm burning up, and... bleeding, too. "Yes sir."

"Give me those gloves, boy!" All For One screams. I flinch, but when there's no impact, I quickly take off the gloves, pinching them with just two fingers so I don't disintegrate them. All For One holds his hand open, and I drop the leather into his palm. "What are these?"

"Leather gloves," I blurt. "To nullify my quirk, sir."

All For One scowls. "Where did you get these from?"

I pause, but I know there's no lying to this man. "Eraserhead, sir."

"Decay them."


"Don't you dare argue with me!" he booms. "Destroy them or I'll destroy you!"

I turn the gloves to dust, feeling an uncomfortable lump in my throat. I try to cough it up, but my bones are so fragile, it feels like they'll break if I cough too hard. "I'm sorry, sir."

All For One slaps me, in the same place where he hit me earlier. I can't hold back my scream. "Villains don't apologize," he deadpans. "Or scream in pain. Man up. Anyway, onto more important things. I'm sure this will interest you, Tomura. We're going to take down Eraserhead."

"Wh-what?" I choke out.

All For One smirks at my reaction, though it's sadistic and makes me even more sick to my stomach. "I've acquired a new quirk called Modernize. In simple terms, it makes a person's quirk 'catch up' to them. Taking your quirk, for example. If someone were to use Modernize on you, your skin would slowly begin to decay like the leather gloves you just destroyed."

"I'm confused, sir," I say more softly than I intended. "How is this going to take down Eraserhead?"

"We're destroying him mentally, Tomura," All For One laughs. "I'll give the quirk to someone willing, and they will use it on Hizashi Yamada, Aizawa's husband. From then on, he'll most likely lose motivation, and I can take his quirk and kill him. I'll even give you the honors of decaying him, since you seem to like him so much."

I can't even speak.

"And I've got just the man for the job," All For One continues. "Spinner."


"I told you he's a very valuable asset to the team. You certainly can't dismiss him just because he hurt your feelings, Tomura. And last I heard, he successfully infiltrated Eraserhead's home and injured him quite a bit. This job will be completed whether you like it or not, boy.

"Master, you can't–"

"I can," All For One growls, "and I will. It's best you do as you're told. Unlike Spinner, Toga Himiko is extremely expendable. As is Dabi, who is running away with a hero as we speak. I'm not afraid to kill them if you act up any more. I saved you from the depths of hell. Now it's time for you to do your part."

"Yes sir."

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