A Battle for Influence

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"Let go of me!" the UA student screams, kicking around as Compress drops her in the chair. It's the same one we used to keep the explosion boy locked up last year; according to Himiko, whatever this girl touches will float, which can be dangerous with a ton of glass and knives around. "Leave me alone! Stop it!"

"It'd be best if you didn't squirm so much, darling," Compress says. "We aren't going to hurt you. Not one bit."

"I'm not joining you, either," Uraraka scoffs. "You had better luck with Bakugou."

I roll my eyes, sipping my drink at the bar counter. "As if we'd want someone as weak as you anyway."

Suddenly, my drink starts floating. I snap my eyes at the little brat in the chair, anger bubbling up in my stomach. "When did you–" Compress begins, but he shakes his head and continues locking her in. "You won't be here too long, I promise. It's just a temporary thing so little Himiko can complete a small task."

"You still never told us what the task is," Twice chirps. "Keeping secrets is a dick move, showman!"

"You'll learn soon enough," Compress chuckles. "Now, would you like something to eat, little one?"

"As if I'd take food from villains," Uraraka blurts. "Just let me go!"

"Goodness," Compress says. "You're quite the fighter, aren't you?"

Uraraka grunts, her shoulders slumping. "I'm a hero," she whispers. "It's what we do. Fight."

"I guess you heroes and us villains have something in common, then," Compress says with a wink.

"When's Himiko getting back?" I grumble, switching the topic. Comparing and contrasting heroes and villains is not the ideal topic for me, especially with Eraserhead battling All For One in my brain right now. A battle for influence, I guess.

"She said she'd be quick," Twice says. "Unless you're keeping more shit from us."

"She'll be here any moment, I'm sure of it," Compress announces. "In the meantime, let's get to know our guest! Hello, darling, my name is Mr. Compress! A proud member of the League of Villains!" He opens his arms dramatically before taking a little bow. "No need to be frightened. We don't bite. Well... Tomura might." Compress grins, gesturing to Twice and I. "Introduce yourselves, and don't be shy!"

"I'm Twice, the powerhouse of the league!" Twice exclaims, jumping up from his feet. "No I'm not! I totally am! Shut up! Never!"

"He has some... personality issues," Compress chuckles, "but he is certainly right when he says he's a powerhouse! Tomura, your turn."

"No," I mutter, sipping straight from the bottle, pinky and ring finger up. "This is a waste of my time."

Compress sighs, unamused. "That's Tomura Shigaraki. He's our bashful and crotchety leader, like a little grumpy kitten."

"I am not!"

"Right," Compress laughs. And just then, the door swings open, letting in a beaming face and two sleepy ones– one of which I could've lived without seeing again. Compress throws his arms open wide, a crazed smile on his face. "You really pulled it off, Himiko! I'm impressed, as always, little one."

"Thank you, Compress," Himiko giggles, jumping into the hug.

"Please don't praise this behavior," Kurogiri says lazily, moping behind the bar counter. He snatched the bourbon bottle from my three fingered grasp, making me use all my energy to glare at him. Instead of fighting with him, I rest my head on the table and try to pretend that the pro hero Eraserhead didn't just walk into my base. Again.

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