Motivational Speeches

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"When is Aizawa-sensei going to be back?" Kaminari whines, slumping his head on his desk. "How am I supposed to light up his world if he doesn't come see us?"

"He needs time to himself right now," Momo says gently. "Grief is a heavy feeling. It can weigh you down and stop you from doing things you love."

"Well, we wanna help him!" Mina cries. "We can cheer him up if he would just leave his house! Even for just a minute!"

"Positivity doesn't fix everything, you fucking airhead," Bakugou scoffs.

"Kacchan is right," Midoriya adds. "It's important to feel your emotions, good and bad."

"Shut up, Deku," Bakugou snaps. "I know I'm right! I'm always right!" Midoriya just rolls his eyes, grinning softly.

"I just hope he's doing alright," Tsu whispers.

"How about we make him a card?" Uraraka suggests.

"Nah, upscale," Sero chuckles. "A big poster."

"Shimmering! Glistening! Gleaming!" Aoyama exclaims. "Nothing less than perfect!"

"Sounds like an awesome idea!" Hagakure says. "Ms. Midnight? May we have a poster board and some drawing supplies?"

"Of course," Midnight says, smiling weakly. "I'm sure Eraser will love it."

Aizawa hasn't moved from his bed since Hizashi took his last breath. His body is limp and weak; his senses take in nothing but the low humming from the heater. Hitoshi knocks on the door, pushing it open slowly. "Dad?" he says gently. "I got you some coffee. Black, two sugars, no cream." Aizawa just looks at the purple haired boy, his eyes dull. Hitoshi frowns, keeping his eyes on the carpet as he approaches. He places the coffee on the table beside the bed before sitting on the edge of the mattress.

"You haven't moved in two days," Hitoshi whispers. "I'm sad too, but dad, you're not eating or sleeping and I- I'm getting scared. I don't kn-know what to tell Eri... I can't take her to school because my hands a-are too shaky to drive. I can't refil my meds, a-and..."

Aizawa sits up, holding his arms open. Hitoshi crumbles into the embrace, his shoulders shaking as he cries into his adoptive father's embrace. "Im sorry," Aizawa whispers. "It's just... I can't... remember a world without Hizashi. What am I... what am I supposed to do?"

"I don't fucking know," Hitoshi chuckles, pulling back to wipe his eyes. "When my parents died, I had you. So... with Mic... you'll have me. And class A, and the other teachers. We'll figure it out or some shit."

Aizawa ruffles Hitoshi's purple hair, his head feeling clearer already. "As your father, I'm supposed to give you motivational speeches."

"Yeah, well, fuck you," Hitoshi laughs. "C'mon, I left Eri alone in the kitchen on my phone."

"Dumbass," Aizawa grumbles, sliding out of bed. He follows Hitoshi to the kitchen, his feet barely leaving the ground as he shuffles down the hallway. It's worth it, thought, because the pure bliss on Eri's face upon seeing Aizawa is the epitome of happiness. "Morning, kid," Aizawa says, patting the girl's head as she clings to his leg. "How're you doing?"

"DADZAWA!" Eri cries. "I missed you! Where did you go? Toshi said you went on a trip without us! And where's Papa Mikey?"

"C'mere, Eri," Hitoshi says. "Come pick out your cereal. Chocolate puffs or cinnamon squares?"

"May I have rainbows, please?" Eri says gently.

"We're all out of rainbows," Hitoshi tells her. "Pick something else."

"I don't want to eat those ones," Eri sniffles. "I want rainbows."

"Eri, you have to eat something," Hitoshi pleads. "Do you want me to make you pancakes? I can put rainbow sprinkles on them for you."

"I'm not hungry," Eri says softly. "Papa can get some rainbows and when he comes back we can eat them together and watch Pikachu."

Suddenly, Aizawa's phone starts blaring. His body is too limp to rise from his place at the table, so he makes eye contact with Hitoshi, who nods solemnly. He picks up the phone, asking who's calling. "Shinso? Where's Aizawa?" All Might blurts. The volume is incredibly loud, and Hitoshi has to put the phone down on the table to hear straight.

"He's not feeling well," Hitoshi says defensively. "What do you need?"

"There's an attack on the school," All Might breathes. "It's the league of villains, and we're so short staffed that the students are fighting. Aizawa needs to get over here now!"

"No," Hitoshi growls. "You're not roping him into this. He needs time and space."

"Shinso, I don't expect you to understand because you're just a boy," All Might says, hints of anger laced into his tone, "but we adults as pro heroes have a responsibility to protect innocents, regardless of how we're feeling emotionally. Present Mic's death was a tragedy, but if you let your teacher wallow in his sorrow, we could lose ground in this war."

"It's been two days!" Hitoshi shoots back. "Leave him alone!"

"No, he's right," Aizawa says, pulling himself to his feet. "I need to protect my students. He said they're attacking the school itself?"

"Yes," All Might says. "Please hurry."

"I'm on my way." Aizawa hangs up the phone and shoves it in his back pocket. He grabs his scarf and goggles, pulling on a black hoodie over his pajamas. Eri and Hitoshi trail after him, both with deep frowns on their faces.

"Dad," Hitoshi barks. "Don't go! They'll be fine on their own!"

"No they won't," Aizawa replies. "And even if, I don't want to risk it."

"Then I'm coming with you," Hitoshi says.

"Me too!" Eri squeals. "Toshi, up!"

Hitoshi picks the girl up, feeling tears prickle at his tired eyes. "Just because Mic isn't here doesn't mean we're not a family. We're your kids, and we're not gonna let you destroy yourself. Your wounds are barely healed, anyways. Just... Take a break. Rest. Please."

Aizawa sighs, rubbing his eyes with his shaky hands. "Stay in the house, Hitoshi," he whispers. "I'm going to be fine."

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