Chapter 7

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AN: Hey y'all, so from now on this story will include pictures. And since this story is of course fictional the pictures will be of real places or people but it'll still be about the character or setting. For example, if you see a pic of NY, ofc it's a pic of NY, but they're in Paradis. And if you often see me change the pic of who Y/n is it's because Y/n doesn't have a set look 😭.

The contents of your phone make you bite the inside of your cheek to hide the smirk that wants to creep up on your face. You don't want Unique to see your smile because if she does, she'll start questioning you instantly.

He doesn't text me in forever and then hits me up saying he got me something, it's already giving toxic...but ima keep whatever he gives me though

"So what else happened after you agreed to come to Paradis?"

You powered off your phone while you sipped from your drink before deciding to continue.

2 months ago...

"I'm coming!"

Your heart sped at the sound of knocks at the door.

Why does someone have to come now? I'm literally about to leave

You furrowed your brows as you threw your things into your bag. A few stray braids fell out of your bonnet as you leaned down.

You rushed over towards the door, not really understanding who it could even be as people never really came to you and Unique's apartment in the first place.

Is she behind on rent or something?

You sighed, opening the apartment door just enough to peer out of it.


Your brows furrowed as you didn't recognize the man standing outside of your door. He was dressed down in a black suit, a hat adorning his grey head as his aged white face smiled at you.

"Hello, is this the residence of Miss Y/n L/n?"

Your confusion only deepened at his words, but you nodded your head as you waited to see what he would say. "Yes..."

He smiled at you, "That's wonderful, I'll be escorting you to your location on behalf of Mr. Jaeger."

Your eyes widened, and if this were a cartoon you'd stuff your fingers in your ears dramatically to twist and turn them before pulling them out to make sure you heard the man correctly.

"You said you're here to escort me? As in you're my chauffeur?"

Without a beat, the man nodded, "Indeed, would you like me to carry your bags down the steps?"

He stepped forward, and you stepped back, which caused you to close your door a bit more, "That's fine, but if you'll just wait out here and give me a second I'll be ready."

The man nodded, and before he could verbally say anything you shut the door. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped a bit as your back leaned up against the apartment door.

"What the fuck. He got me a fucking chauffeur."

You felt mixed emotions, one part of you was upset at Eren taking you by surprise like this. You had told him from the very beginning that you wanted no handouts from him just in case the two of you fell out.

But another part of you was ecstaticI mean, you were used to walking, the bus, the train, and riding passenger all your life. You hadn't even taken a plane before. A chauffeur was definitely a big step up.

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