Chapter 1

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"Y/n where are you? I need you to start seating people why I go bus tables."

You sigh at Alex's words, a coworker of yours. The only reason he's even saying that is because he knows that bussing tables is ten times better and less mind consuming than actually hosting, which is sad since it's literally in the job description.

"Sorry Alex, I was just busting the cage, I got it."

He nodded before walking off. You heard the door open, and as you peeped your manager coming out of the kitchen you gave a billion dollar smile to the small group of older people coming in through the door.

"Hi, welcome to Applebee's, will it just be the two of you?"

You looked at the two people ahead of you, evaluating them. Two older men, one was using a walker at a ridiculously slow pace. So a seat close to the door would be good for them, easy to sit down and easy to get out.

You mentally chant the words to yourself.

The man without a walker nodded, putting a comforting hand on the other man. 

"If you both would just follow me I can seat you over here-"

"I don't want to sit over there, you're trying to exclude me from people because I'm old! Well, I'm a people person and I want to sit over here!"

Your eyes widened slightly as you watched the older man in a walker send you the fiercest glare before walking over towards the more crowded areas typically reserved for larger groups. You watched as other people watched the small spectacle sniggering amongst themselves.

"Alright then, that's fine, if you'll just follow me right over here."

You looked back at the older men, the taller one giving you an apologetic glance while the one on the walker's glare never stopped. He was currently muttering curses at you under his breath as he followed you, and you had to chant your mantra of the customer always being right in your head.

This is going to be one long ass shift.


"Bro, I'm so fucking bored right now."

Eren glanced over at Connie as he watched the man throw a baseball in the air before catching it. He looked over at the other guys, specifically Jean and Armin as they gave their own nods of agreeance.

"I thought Seattle was supposed to be fun, but instead we've been cooped up in this hotel surrounded by our fan girls outside."

Connie laughed at Jean's words, "You mean Eren's fangirls, no one's here for you."

Jean gasped and started arguing with Connie over fangirls and other shit that Eren really couldn't care for. He looked over at Armin who watched the two intently as he knew better than to try and split those two up.

"Armin, did Annie ever come by last night?"

Armin looked over at Eren before shaking his head, "No, she said she was caught up in Paradis, but she'd be around when I got back."

Eren furrowed his eyebrows, "You think it'd hurt her to come to see her husband once in a while-"

"Eren, let's not start."

Eren bit the inside of his cheek in frustration at Armin's words. 

"My bad, I was just saying."

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