Chapter 5

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"What's your name?"

You raise an eyebrow, making sure you heard him right as his dark head tilted towards yours. You knew there wasn't much talking going on between the two of you, and that silence could be awkward. But this was a new level of small talk.

"You've seen me at my job, you know my name."

You almost instinctually tapped your name tag that would be clipped to your chest any other day.

"Yea, but I want to hear your name from you."

As he watches you intently, you try to read him and understand the game he was playing, in your head, you felt as if the minute you would say your own name out loud gumballs would fall from the sky.

But you can't seem to figure out his game.

And maybe because there isn't one in the first place.


"Last name?"

"Classified information unless you're trying to give me a new job."

"I could pull some strings."

"Then today would be my lucky day."

The both of you let out breaths of amusement at your words, this is the most conversation the two of you have had since you left Unique's boutique. Most of your time was spent listening to the hum of the large black suburban's engine.

Silence had always been something that never bothered you, you weren't the kind of person who was afraid to be left alone with her own thoughts, scared that they were the monster under your bed that would eat you up once the lights went off. No, there were worse monsters in life to worry about than the ones in your own head.

But you did wonder if he liked the silence too?

At times you'd glance at him, noticing that he was also intently watching the windows. You wondered if this was his first time in Seattle, you wondered a lot about him. Your thoughts were justified, only a stranger would wonder about another stranger's life.

And of course, the two of you were stuck in traffic so you had all the time in the world to wonder about one another.

"What's your name?"

The words sound foreign when they fall off your lips, and you curse yourself internally as your curiosity gets the best of you.

He turns his head, a small smile on his face.

"You know my name."

He parrots your words from earlier, and you try to hold back your laugh as he tilts his head, his brown hair dangling as a smile etches onto his face.

"Why do you think I'd know your name?"

You raise an eyebrow, wanting to knock him down a peg or two as his ego inflated the car.

His thumb plays with the pink of his bottom lip as he watches you.

"I'm a celebrity, babe. "

You almost have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes.

"Never heard of you, babe."

You mimic, and that part makes him smirk as his knees tilt towards you," Look me up then, maybe it'll ring a few bells." You watch as he smiles, the pearly white of his teeth being revealed as you watch him lick them.

"Wouldn't want to waste my time and battery on just another Instagram model."

He laughs, like genuinely, and you swear you almost hear a noise from one of the security guards up front.

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