Chapter 9

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"Bitch I'm so confused. Not only did this nigga fly you out, made sure you were fed, took care of you while you were sick, got you a luxurious ass hotel, took you on a shopping spree, and kissed you at the most magical time ever..." Unique pauses as she tries to catch her breath as she counts all the things on her fingers. "But he did all of this without you having to give up a crumb of pussy? Yet the two of you didn't work out?"

Her eyes are wide, and you groan as you knew she'd ask you this question.

"As I said, we have to get to that part of the story. Because trust me, for a while I thought I was in a fairy tale. I mean, how many women that look like us even get a fairy tale without having to go get it?"

Your lips form into a pout, and you swear you feel tears brim at the back of your eyes.

This is exactly why I didn't want to tell this damn story...I thought I was over it but apparently, I'm not

You feel a thumb graze your balled up knuckle and you glance up as Unique's brown eyes stare at you.

"Baby, Cinderella's fairy godmother didn't come the first time she had to scrub the floor. Our time is coming boo."

Your heart beats a little slower at Unique's reassuring words, and you smile as your bad mood left you as fast as it came.

"Thanks Nique."

"No problem, now get to the story,  it's getting good as hell."

You snort and nod your head.

"As I was saying before, me and Eren had kissed right when the clock struck twelve. And things were going really good.  But then he told me something that was the start of everything bad that happened..."

New Year's

"So you're saying the basic plot of how season 4 ends is that you-"

You pause as Eren pulls his phone out of his pocket. You try to mind your business so you turn your head to the balcony to watch the fireworks that have yet to stop.

After kissing, the two of you got really comfortable. You both sat on one of the couches on the balcony, your arm was hooked on his and your head leaned on his shoulder while your right leg used his leg as a couch as it rested on him.

"Are you hungry? I'm going to get something from the food bar."

Your leg shifts off of him as he leans up.

"Ugh, yea I could eat."

"I got you."

As he stands you stand as well, but he looks back at you with a bit of a wide eyed look.

"I said I got it Y/n, I'll be back."

You raise a brow but you sit back in your seat, "Ok..."

Before you know it he's disappeared back inside the party and you're on the balcony by yourself.

Why wouldn't he want me to come with him?

Because the parties crowded and getting food isn't a two person job Y/n

Your mind battles itself and you massage your temple as you can already feel a headache starting to overcome you.

Nah, it's something else, but what?

Matter fact, I'll be where the food is so catch me there

The message rings through your head and your eyes widen. You immediately make your way inside of the party and to where you assume the food table is.

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