Chapter 10

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Your eyes shot open at the loud noise coming from outside your hotel room. Whoever was outside of it was loud enough that you could hear her all the way from the bed.

"Connie, what's going on-"

"I'ma be back."

Before you can even fix your bonnet that's tilted off your head Connie hops off the bed. He's out of the room, and at the sound of the door opening and closing it sounds like he's out of the hotel room entirely.

You should mind your business, but at the sound of yelling still you go to see what's going on. You pass through the rest of the hotel room that's stuck in time, the two of you had ended the night showering, ordering whatever was open, and passing out in the bed.

There was still food cartons on the counter and half drunken sodas and waters but you made your way straight past it to the door.

You open it just enough to pear out of it to see what's going on.

"The fuck are you even doing here? How the hell did you find me? Are you stalking me?"

You can only see Connie's back as it's obvious he's talking to someone.

"Stalk you? Nigga please, someone took a photo of your stupid ass and that bitch running across the street. So that's what you're doing now? You fucking random bitches?"

"Can you shut just shut the fuck up-"

Connie stops mid speech as his face turns left, the ring of the slap bouncing off the hotel walls.

"Watch your mouth when it comes to me the fuck."

You don't know if it's the gasp you let out or the way you jumped at the act of violence but Connie makes eye contact with you from the sliver of a crack between the door.


You gasp once more, and before you can even see the woman round the corner you slam the door. You make sure to lock it and press your back to it.

I knew this nigga was lying about his ex-


Your head's pounding from the massive hangover that you're nursing and the loud banging that the woman's doing outside  only adds to it. You weren't scared, if anything, you were annoyed and pissed off. You were annoyed at the woman because of all the noise that she was making. And you were pissed off at Connie for doing anything with you if he knew his girlfriend was crazy.

Arguing ensued outside of the door but you ignored it as you walked away from it. You made your way back into your room as you were fully intent on going back to sleep, but just as you entered your room you noticed your ringing phone.

Your heart pounded a bit as you hadn't checked it since you left the party last night.

It was an unknown number so you hit decline immediately. But the minute your head hit your pillow it started ringing once more, you noticed it was the same number so you decided to answer.


"Is this Miss L/n?"

The voice sounds familiar and you sit up a bit as you wonder who it is.


"Great, this is the Adam from yesterday who picked you up from your home. I'll be by in the few hours to take you back home."

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