Chapter 17

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I have a peaceful sleep. I didn't have any nightmares. Must be because I'm the happiest I've ever been. Tomorrow is January 13th. Peeta's birthday. I have no idea what to get him. He always tells me he doesn't need anything because he has everything. But I want to get him something. He deserves everything. Maybe I should talk him into saying something he wants without him knowing. Hmmmm. How am I suppose to do that? Peeta is sitting on the bed with me. He must have noticed me thinking. "You okay?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say. Then I kiss him on the cheek. He smiles and says "I wish there was a way I could capture these moments so I could look back at them." That's it. I'll get him a camera from the Capitol. I'll have Effie bring me it.

I smile because I know he'll love it. "Well, I better get ready to go to the bakery, Haymitch said he would come and stay with you." Says Peeta. "Lovely." I say sarcastically. "He gets ready and leaves when Haymitch arrives. "Okay Haymitch, lets plan Peeta's party." I say. "Okay sweetheart, let me get a cake and invitations set." Says Haymitch. I walk over to the phone and call Effie. "Hey Effie, it's ummm Katniss." I say. "What do you want?" She says. "I just wanted to know if you could get me a camera for Peeta. And I wanted to know if you wanted to come to Peeta's party tomorrow." I say. "Of course I'll come and I'll get you a camera." She says. Wow, that didnt take much. "Okay, well see you soon." I say and hang up. I go over to Haymitch and start making a list of Peeta's friends.

I put down Delly, Johanna, Annie, Haymitch, Effie, my mom, and anyone I can think of Peeta would want here. We call them and make sure they will come and they all accept. I attempt to make a cake and fail. So I decide to just have Peeta make one without him knowing it's for his birthday. I tell Haymitch that I'm going to the bakery and that I'll be back. I walk over to the bakery and see Peeta. "Hey, Haymitch needs a cake. He said he wanted to get a really pretty orange one to smash in Effie's face the next time he sees her." I say. "Okay, I'll get one." He says going to the back. People are staring at me. I'm not exactly ready to have all of the public to be watching me. I just avoid eye contact. Peeta comes back out and hands me the cake. "I'll be home in 30 minutes." Says Peeta. He kisses me goodbye and I walk back home. We hide the cake at Haymitch's and talk about setting up at midnight, so when Peeta gets up it's all ready.

When Peeta gets home it's nearly 7. We eat dinner. "So what did you and Haymitch do today?" He asks. "Oh just you know.... Stuff." I say because I can't think of a good excuse. "Oh cool." He says. We go to sleep early because I know I won't be getting much sleep. When I know he's asleep and it's midnight, I get up and let Haymitch in. We put up streamers and balloons everywhere. They are a bunch of different colors of orange. Effie brings me the camera and I put it in a box and write 'To: The love of my life. From: Your fiancé.' It's almost 5 when everyone gets here. We finish up decorating and getting the cake ready. At around 7:30 I hear him walking down the stairs. We all get ready and when he walks in we all yell "SURPRISE!!!"

He smiles and kisses me. "Thanks guys." He says. He looks at the cake and laughs. "I can't believe I didn't figure that out." He says. We eat the cake, which is amazing! Then we decide to open up presents. Delly got him some paint. My mom got him some clothes like a typical mother would. Haymitch got him some shoes. And Effie got him some Capitol art kit thing. He opens up my present and smiles. "Now you can capture them." I say. He hugs me and says thanks to everyone. Once they leave it's just Peeta and I. We watch a random movie while he puts his arms around me and I cuddle close to him. While we are, my mom walks back in. "Sorry I forgot m-" she starts but sees us. "Oh sorry Katniss! Just came to get my coat, carry on." She says walking out.

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