Chapter 9

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Everyone's here. Peeta, Gale, Haymitch, Effie, Johanna, Annie, even my mother! I stay behind a tree to get more information without being seen. "Guys, I-I can't do this." Says Peeta. "What do you mean you can't do this boy!" Says Haymitch. "I can't just keep lying to Katniss like this!" He says. "Well your not exactly lying, if she hasn't asked things then you aren't lying." Says my mother. "But she has asked questions. She asks who I'm talking to.

She even had me promise I would tell her everything! How am I suppose to do this if I'm lying straight to her face!" Says Peeta. "We are protecting her. All of us want to tell her. But we don't want to scare her into not speaking anymore! Imagine how she'll take it if we told her!" Says Annie. "Yeah Peeta, were just trying fix things without her knowing. I mean it won't be good if she knows." Says Johanna.

"Boy you better stay! We need you! We can't exactly kill Snow without you!" Says Haymitch. What? Did he just say Snow? Kill Snow? What? He's dead. I was told. I can't take this. Everything's spinning. This is a dream. A horrible dream. Why am I not waking up? I feel like I'm going to pass out. Wake up Katniss, this is reality. Snow is alive and all the people you know and love knew about it.

I have tears in my eyes and I know I'm about to burst. But before I think about what I'm doing I go to where they are and say "Snow is alive a-and you all knew? Why didn't you tell me?" Their faces look shocked. "How did y-" starts Gale. "I listened to the phone call! I'm not dumb! How weak do you people think I am! And Peeta you promised." I say starting to cry "You promised." I whisper. That's the last thing I say before I run back to my house.

I hear them all following behind. But I'm too fast for them. I run in my house and lock the door. I'm bawling

now. He promised he would tell me everything! I lean against the door and slide down sitting with my knees to my chest. They all lied to me. And they kept the biggest secret away from me. How could they do that? I hear them banging on the door telling me to let them in. But I don't. I'm hurt. Really hurt.

And I don't feel like talking to any of them. I get up and walk to my room. I lay there. Knowing I won't be sleeping tonight. I just lay on my bed crying. I'm still hoping in my heart that this is a dream. But in my head, I know it's reality. It's life. It's my life. And I can't change that. Sleep is taking over me, but right before I fall asleep I hear a knock on the window. Great. I see it's Peeta. But I don't want to talk. So I just walk away to another room. I know he won't leave until I let him in, but I'll let him wait.

I wake up. Not even wanting to think of the dream I just had. It's 7:00 a.m. So I get up and make a sandwich. I decide to go to the woods. They always had this thing where they could make me smile no matter what. When I'm about to walk outside I see it's pouring rain. But there's something else outside. A figure almost. Then I know what it is.

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