Chapter 22

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"Mmmm! Mmm! Mm!" I try talking but it comes out muffled because of the duck tape. "Will you just shut up? I'm on the phone here." Gale says angrily. Oh! Jerk! I keep trying to talk to annoy him. It's obviously working because he says "I'm serious! If you shut up, I might spare your life!" That shut me up. "Listen, I will take the duck tape off your mouth if you don't scream." He whispers. I agree and he takes it off. "You are such an idiot. How are you suppose to get me out? Peeta is right outside. Smooth Gale. Real smooth." I say. He isn't the brightest guy at times. "Okay, shut up. I'm trying to think." He snaps. Sometimes I want to laugh at his stupidity, but then I remember what he's trying to do. I scream as loud as I can, but Gale cuts it off and puts duck tape back on my mouth. He throws me over his shoulder and starts climbing through the vent. Wow! This is a huge vent! Katniss! We have other issues. I start squirming but he just tightens his grip on me. I would be kicking and smacking him but I'm tied up.

Wait. I'm in a vent? I didn't know trains had vents. Especially this big of vents. Ha. That shows you how much I pay attention to certain things. Back on topic! I keep squirming. I don't like being touched by anyone besides my family and Peeta. "Yeah yeah. I get it. You want me to let go. But, sorry about your luck. Snow didn't get to finish what he started." Gale whispers. What? He's working for him! Explains why he killed..... Don't say it. It'll just make you break down and cry. We finally get to the end of the vents and he gets us into this room at the very end of the train. He sets me down on a chair and takes off the duck tape. "No one can hear you now. Some people should be coming soon." He says while smirking. Oh, what I would give to punch that smirk right off his face! "Why are you doing this?" I ask in a whisper because it's the only thing running through my head.

"Because you chose baker boy over me! I gave you so many chances but you just ignored them. If I can't have you, no one can." He says screams at me. Ha. He's so sweet. Note the sarcasm. "News flash, I'm not some toy you can pass around. I'm a human being too!" I yell at him. For a second he looks sorry, but that quickly changes. "My people should be here any minute. I hope you'll cooperate." He says with a smirk. Like we weren't just yelling at each other a minute ago. "No." I say. He looks at me and starts doing this creepy evil laugh. "No one says "no" to me deary." He says. "But I just did." I say. Probably wasn't a good option considering he's winning this horrible game. I should consider this a game. My life is filled with games. Just because the Hunger Games ended, doesn't mean my life filled with games is going to. My life practically is a game. And if Snow wants me for whatever he's planning? He's going to have to fight hard. Game on.

"Katniss? Katniss!" I hear Gale saying. Oh yeah. He's still here. "What?" I say with annoyance. I mean, who wouldn't be annoyed? "You zoned out and had this weird smile on your face. My men are here. It's either you go the easy way and cooperate, or you go the hard way where we knock you out. Your choice." He says. Hmmm. How about neither. I'm about to run but someone knocks me out. I guess choice 2 it is!


I wake up on a train. To the Capitol probably. I'm tied to a chair. No one is around, at least I don't think so. I'm probably being watched, I just can't see them. All the sudden I hear people coming my way. I put my head back and act like I'm asleep. "So what's the plan, Sir?" One guy says. Who's that? The voice sounds familiar. "We destroy her. We'll make her think we killed everyone she loves. Will make sure she thinks there's no one left. Then, we kill her. Then her little friends." Another voice says. "Shouldn't she be awake by now?" Someone says while walking in.

Sounds like a girl. "Who knows? It's better if she's asleep. We won't have to put up a fight then. She's a feisty one." Gale says. "I can hear you guys." I say while glaring at them. "Ah, she's finally awake!" The girl says.

They then group together and start whispering. I catch my name a couple times, but that's all I can make out. I lay my head back on the chair and stare at the ceiling. I run away, I get kidnapped, I get rescued, I get kidnapped again. That's my week. "So Katniss, do you know why you're here?" The girl asks. She looks to be in her mid-thirties. She has coal black hair and dark brown eyes. "Well, I think we all know I didn't win some contest." I say. "Haha. No one told me you were quite the jokester." Brown eyes says. "There's a lot you don't know." I mumble to myself. "What was that? Don't mumble." The guy says while smacking me across the face. Come on buddy. I've been in 2 Hunger Games and led a rebellion. Being slapped isn't going to do much. But I'll admit, it does sting a little.

"Dude! Did you just slap her?!?" Gale yells at the guy. "Well, she was asking for it!" He retorts. "Snow said unharmed!" Gale yells. He looks like he's going to punch the guy. The guy looks familiar. Where have I seen him? "Done checking me out, sweetheart?" The guy asks. I realize I've been staring at him. "Do I know you?" I ask because that face is so familiar! I've seen it! I don't know where, but I have! "Um, no! What? Why would you think that? Oh did you guys hear that? The phones ringing. Uhh, I'll get it!" He says nervously and runs out of the room. Well, that was suspicious. His blonde hair and grey eyes look so familiar! He kinda looks like an older version of Peeta. But, that's probably just me getting homesick. He comes back and stays silent, when it hits me. I know exactly who that is. But, shouldn't he be dead?


Haiiii! I just wanted to say thanks for all your wonderful comments! They make my day! Thank you for reading! It means a lot! (: And I would like dedicate this chapter to someone, but there were A LOT of you who commented! So, if you commented, this is dedicated to you! Oh and I won't be able to update again for awhile because I'm going camping for school and they don't allow electronics! :0 But thanks for reading!

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