Chapter 26

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When I wake up, I can't remember anything. What's my name again? Where am I? Who's the strange guy with the white beard? "Ah, Katniss. You're awake." The guy says. I sit up and look around. Is he talking to me? "Uh. Who's Katniss?" I ask with a confused voice. He laughs this creepy laugh and says "I see it's worked." What worked? Why do I feel like I've just been hit with a baseball bat? So many questions. "I bet you're very confused. How about we just send you home?" He says while smirking. "Where do I live?" I ask. Is it weird I can't remember anything? I think so. "Don't worry about anything. You'll be home soon." That's what hear before I black out again.


When I wake up, I'm in a room. I think I'm on a train. I get up and walk out of the room. The train has stopped, so I get off. I look around and see a bunch of trees and some buildings. I feel like I should know this place. But I just can't remember. I look around and see the station isn't too crowded. As I'm looking I see two men running towards my way. I look behind me and see no one's there. Should I know those guys? One comes up and hugs me. "I missed you so much! Don't ever leave my sight again!" The strange man says. Am I supposed to know this guy? I don't even know who he is. I am so confused. It's scary. "Do I know you?" I question. The guy who was hugging me steps back and looks at me. "You don't remember me?" He asks sadly. Am I supposed to? This guy is really scaring me. What am I supposed to say? "Umm, should I?" I ask unsurely. He stares and me with hurt in his eyes.

"Yes. I'm your fiancé. We fought in two Hunger Games and a revolution together. I love you. You are the love of my life! We're getting married in a few months. Don't you remember that?" He asks. He looks like he's about to cry. I feel bad for him. "Listen. I think you have the wrong person. The guy with the white beard didn't tell me I was getting married. He just said he would send me home. I'm sorry. I really am." I say while looking around me. I look at the other guy behind him and he looks shocked. Literally his jaw has dropped and he's just staring at me. "I hope you find your fiancé. I've got to go find a place to stay." I say to them and start walking away. As I start walking the guy gets out of shock and runs over to me. "Wait! You can stay at his house! He's got a spare bedroom and everything. You can stay there until you figure things out." I think about it for a second. Is that really a good idea? The guy thought I was his fiancé.

But, they do seem like nice people. And maybe they could help me remember. Plus, I get a place to stay. "Okay...." I say slowly. They look at each other and the one with longish hair smiles and says "Okay. Well, I'm Haymitch, and that's Peeta." I smile, but then wonder what my name is. "Uh. I can't remember my name." I say shyly. Why can't I remember my own name? Why can't I remember anything? This really is confusing. "Well, you look like a Katniss. So, we'll call you that." Peeta says. I nod in agreement and follow them to their house. Katniss. It sounds nice. Like I've heard it before. As we walk they tell me about themselves. They are so funny and nice. "Okay. We're here." Peeta says. I look at the house and my jaw drops.

"This is so much bigger than the others!" I say. They both laugh and tell me to go ahead in. We walk in and I sit down in the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" Peeta asks me. I nod. I'm starving. I can't remember the last time I ate. He makes me a ham sandwich and I thank him. After I eat we just sit. "Hey, can I take a shower here?" I ask hesitantly. I mean, they let me stay with them and feed me, I shouldn't ask for anything else. "Of course! I'll get you something to sleep in." He says while running upstairs. I get up from my spot and start looking around. I walk into a room and see a couch and a television. How does he afford this stuff? I mean, all of this stuff looks so expensive. I go back into the kitchen and see Peeta coming down the stairs. "Um, I brought you one of my old t-shirts and some of my sweatpants." He says shyly while handing them to me.

"Thanks!" I say while taking the clothes. He stands there and smiles at me. I stand there and wait for him to show me where the bathroom is. He's still standing there like I'm suppose to know where it is. "Umm, where's the bathroom?" I ask finally realizing he wasn't going to show me. I'm in a strange house I've never been in before, I really wouldn't know where anything is or how to get there. "Oh right. I'm sorry. It's up the stairs, and the third door on the right." He says while looking embarrassed. I smile at him and thank him. I walk up the stairs and into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and change into the clothes. The clothes are HUGE on me. I walk out and walk down the stairs. I hear people arguing in the other room so I stop and listen. "You don't get it, do you? She. Doesn't. Remember. Me. Do you understand that? She forgot everything. And I bet Snow did it.

He probably has something planned to. Why else would he just send her back?" I hear Peeta say with anger and sadness. I hear another person sigh, I'm guessing it's Haymitch? Is that his name? I don't even know. I lean against the wall a little more and listen closely. "Listen. We know he has something planned and I understand that you are upset. She's the love of your life. You just need to be there for her, even if she doesn't know you. Just make sure she's comfortable. Don't make her uncomfortable. Just let things go with the flow. Something will click into her mind and she'll remember again. Until then, act like you just met her." I hear Haymitch say. Who are they even talking about? Me? Ha, nope. They're probably talking about that one guys fiancé. The poor girl, doesn't even remember her fiancé. That's sad. I walk in and act like I heard nothing. When Peeta looks at me, the anger and sadness are gone and all I see is happiness.

"Umm, I'm kind of tired, where will I be sleeping?" I ask uncomfortably. They look at each other then look back at me. "You can sleep in o-my room. I'll sleep on the couch." Peeta says. That's so sweet, but I can't just take his bed. It's his house, so I say, "It's okay, I can sleep on the couch." He shakes his head and replies "No, I insist. You're the guest." I look at him and can tell I won't be able to change his mind, so I nod and he leads me to the room. He tells me goodnight and I lie down and quickly drift off into a dreamless sleep.


When I wake up, I smell the delicious smell of bacon and eggs. I quickly jump out of the bed and run down the stairs to see Peeta cooking breakfast. He looks over at me and smiles. "Did you sleep well?" He asks politely. I nod. I slept like a baby. Do I usually sleep that well? I feel like I don't, but who knows. My thoughts are interrupted when a plate is placed in front of me. "Thank you!" I say while digging into the delicious food. He chuckles and sits down across from me. We eat silently, and the only sound you can hear is the sound of our silverware against out plates. I hear the doorbell ring and Peeta jumps up to answer it. I follow behind him and when I see the door, I remember everything. My boyfriend who has taken care of me forever and who I love dearly is at the door, and his name is...........Gale.

I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! I feel awful, but my wifi was down for quite some time and I used all my data so I can't post without wifi. Also, school has started and all that stuff. And now I'm going to West Virginia for the weekend! But I AM SO SORRY. Your comments are so nice! Thank you so much! Comment, Vote, Message me, do whatever! Love you guys! Until next time young grasshoppers. ~Kayla <3
(P.S. I love how you all comment saying "Kayla please update." It's so cool that you guys call me by my name. I smile everytime! :P)

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