Chapter 20

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I wake up to the evil laugh that I hate very much. Where is Peeta? I need him more now than ever. He's probably wanting to come but everyone is making him wait. I wish he would just come though. Snow is staring at me. He's whispering to the doctor guy. They are so lucky I'm strapped down. Or they would be dead by now. "You know, whispering isn't going to help your case. I'm not exactly able to get up and go tell everyone what you're whispering about." I say. They just stare at me. I look over at the door. That's when I notice something. It's two blue eyes. And blonde hair. Peeta. He has been crying. It's noticeable. He notices me staring at him. He seems to be trying to tell me something. Oh. He wants me to distract them. I can do that. "So what are the plans for today? Do I get food? Because I haven't ate in a while and trust me, ask anyone, if I'm hungry you'll be sorry you went in my path."

I say. They stare at me like I'm the dumbest person in the world. "And when is this torturing thing suppose to be over? Because it's kind of boring." I add. It must be working because I see Peeta disappear. They start shocking me again. Ow. Ow. Peeta hurry. Please. I'm blacking out again. I don't think my body is used to this much pain. More and more black spots come into view. Just then I see Peeta, Gale, and Haymitch come marching in. That's when I black out completely.

I wake up and I think I'm on a train now. Maybe. Man my head hurts! I'm shaking. Peeta is with me. I know because my head is on his chest and I can hear the familiar pounding of his heart beat. He saved me. But Snow isn't dead! I get up real fast. Too fast that I become light headed and fall back down. "Is he-" I start. "Yeah, he's alive still." Says Peeta. "Where are we going?" I ask. "We're going back home." He says. Well my mission totally failed. "Where's everyone else?" I ask. "Oh they're fine." He says. "Did anyone get hurt?" I ask. "Nope. We got in and out safely." Says Peeta. Good. Because if someone got hurt or died again because of me, I would be heart broken. "Katniss, please don't ever do that again. I thought I was going to lose you." He says. "I won't." Is all I can say.

Haymitch comes in and says "Hey, how you feeling?" Oh my. Is he being, friendly? What's happening? Have I gone crazy? "Not too good." I say. Everything is spinning but I don't let it show. "Well, don't EVER even think about pulling a stunt like that again! Your lucky we found you before things got worse!" He says practically yelling. "I won't, I won't." I say. My mom then comes in with an ice pack. "Put this on your head." She says. I do as I'm told and sit up on the bed. Gale walks in and joins the crowded room. They all sit around me. I'm feeling really claustrophobic. I lay down and act like I'm going to sleep. Everyone gets the memo and leave. I think. Gale was about to ask about Peeta leaving but he lets it go and walks out. I didn't tell him I'm engaged. Actually only my mom and Haymitch know.

Maybe we should tell everyone tonight at dinner or something, if I can stand then. "Wake me up at dinner." I tell Peeta. "Okay." He says and kisses me. I get under the covers and try to sleep, but my head is pounding. Must be all that shocking I had to go through. I wonder if that's what they did to Peeta. Before I know it he's telling me it's time for dinner. I get up and he helps me out. When we get there everyone is sitting, must've been waiting for me. I sit next to Peeta. I give a nod to Peeta saying he can announce it because I'm not too stable right now. "Katniss and I have an announcement to make." Says Peeta. I can see Gale won't be too happy. His face doesn't look too happy. "Katniss and I are engaged." He says. Gale literally almost spits his drink out everywhere.

Everyone say congrats, except for Gale. He gets up and leaves. We act like we didnt notice. Peeta starts talking to Haymitch, so I get up and head to our room. We should be home tomorrow. When I walk towards my room, Gale pulls over to the side. "Ow!" I say. "What's up with you and him!?!" He says. "We're engaged? Okay? Okay, nice talk. Goodbye." I say starting to walk away but he pulls me back. "Why him?" He asks. But I don't want to talk to him about it, so I yank my arm out of his grip and walk to my room. Gosh! I can't please everyone! I need to stop trying to. I go to my room and see Peeta is already asleep. I hop in and fall asleep. When I wake up, I have no idea where I am.


Hi guys! Sorry its short. :/ I'll be sure to write a longer one soon! Oh, I also want you to know that if you are reading this, it means the world to me! Thank you so much! And this chapter is dedicated to HungerDivergentGames for commenting! Thanks again!

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