Chapter 24

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Peeta's older brother, Ryan. It's has to be him. I used to see him in the bakery a lot. But, shouldn't he be dead? And why would he be out to get me? Well, I'm still wondering the same for Gale. "Ryan?" I ask him. "Uhhh, what? I'm not Ryan. Who's Ryan? Peeta's older..... Handsomer..... Kinder...... Funnier......-" he starts, but I cut him off. "Quit the act. I know it's you." I hiss at him. I'm not that dumb, like seriously. "Alright, it's me." He confesses. "Why are you doing this?" I ask while staring at him. He glances over at me, then stares down at his feet. "Well, I..... I.... I don't have to answer anything!" He yells at me. Well, he's right, but I'm going to get him to talk.

"Ryan, why are you pretending to be dead? Do you know how devastated your brother is? He thinks he has no family left. He acts happy, but I know deep down he misses you all, he just won't show it in front of me." I say. He looks up at me and there's a hopeful expression on his face. "He really misses me?" He asks dumbfounded. I smile. "Yeah, he really does. He needs some blood family left." I say hopefully. Maybe he'll let me out and Peeta will be happy to see his brother again! It'll be the perfect ending! "I miss him too." He says with a small smile appearing on his face. "Then why don't you go find him and talk to him?" I say happily. My plan is working. "Yeah, I'm going to do that right now!" He says excitedly. He gets up and walks out the door. Without me. "No... I meant..... Take me with you...." I start to yell but it fades into a whisper.

Well that didn't go as planned. I scream loudly out of frustration. Apparently I screamed pretty loud because after I screamed at least 20 people ran into the room. Including Gale. "Why did you scream?" Gale asks with an annoyed voice. I'm pretty sure they could figure it out if they wanted to. "It definitely has to be because I'm just so excited to be here." I say sarcastically. "Enough with the sarcasm. This is serious." Some guard snaps at me. "And I'm being 110% serious." I say innocently. They all just look at me and leave. Well, all of them except Gale. He sits down on a chair next to me. "So, what's the plan?" I ask with no emotion. This chair is very uncomfortable and my legs have fallen asleep. "The plan is you do what I say and no one gets hurt." He says seriously. I wonder what would happen if I didn't. "What happens if I don't?" I ask curiously. He smirks and chuckles to himself. "We'll let you find out yourself. But, it might have to do with a certain baker." He says, then starts chuckling to himself again.

That really pushed my buttons, so I started yelling at him. "What do you mean!?! Do you have him captured to!?! Leave him alone!!! He didn't do anything!!! Just leave him alone!!! I'll do anything you say!!! I promise!!! Just please, don't hurt him!!" He smiles proudly to himself like he accomplished something. "If you do exactly what I tell you, Peeta doesn't get hurt. Okay? Do we have a deal?" He asks. I think about for a minute. What if he doesn't have Peeta? Then I would have made a deal for no reason. But, what if he does? Then if I didn't do what he said, he would hurt him even more. "Deal." The word slips out of mouth before I can think any further. His grin gets even bigger. "Good. I'll go get you some food. I'll be back. Don't miss me too much." He says, then makes his way to the door. "Don't worry, I won't." I say

right before he exits.

Once he leaves I look around the room. No windows, and only one door. I could always try to get myself out of this chair and then get to the door and make a run for it. I decide I should do that. So I start slipping my arms under the ropes and I realized they didn't put them tight enough, so I could just slip right through them. Wow, that was way easier than I expected. The feet, I could just untie, so I quickly do so. When I stand up, my legs give out and I fall onto the ground. It's cold. Really cold. So I use all my strength and pull myself up, and I am successful. I walk over to the door, to find it locked. Dang it! I never really thought about that. I look around the room for something heavy, but find nothing. Out of nowhere I hear footsteps coming. I quickly tie my feet back to the chair and slide my arms back under the ropes. The door opens and Gale comes in with a tray of food.

He unties my hands and puts the tray on my lap. "Don't even try to escape. The door is locked." He says sternly then exits the room. I look at the food and wonder if it's contaminated or something, so I decide against it. I untie my legs and grab the spoon that was given so I could eat my food. I stick the handle in the lock and start jiggling it around until it unlocks. I turn the doorknob slowly and quietly and check around the hallway. It appears empty so I step put into the hallway. I start walking down the hallway hoping to find an exit. It seems that I am still on the train, but I've never seen this part before. When I turn around, the door is gone. Weird. Okay, that's extremely weird. I decide to pick up the pace so I can leave faster. I run towards a different hallway until I can hear people talking. I can tell I'm getting closer and closer because the voices are getting louder.

I can finally see the people. They all stop their conversations and look at me. "Katniss! Katniss Everdeen!" They all scream and start walking towards me with cameras and markers. They are all yelling with smiles on their faces. I'm confused. Really confused. I start backing up until I run into a door. I quickly open it up, then run inside the room. I lock the door and that's when I see blood everywhere. I see all

my loved ones laying on the ground covered in blood. They all lay there motionless. I see Gale and Snow laughing beside the pile. They see me and start laughing even more. I'm screaming now, and tears are streaming down my face. This must be what Peeta sees all the time, or at least something along these lines. I never knew how powerful they were until I started seeing them. This is worse than the nightmares I see at night.

This is so much more realistic. I just have to tell myself it's not real. Close your eyes and go to your happy place. Think of a world that never had a Hunger Games. Think of a world with no rebellion. Think of a world where you are with father, Prim, and Peeta in the meadow. There are no problems in the world. I smile at this thought. I open my eyes and everything is back to normal. It's a normal room. I take a deep breathe and stand up. I open the door a crack and there are still lots of people out there so I shut it and lock it again. I sit on the bed that's on here and look around. I see a phone and go over to it. I dial my house phone and no one answers. I call Peeta's and no one answers. I call Haymitch's and no one answers that one either. Where is everybody?

I don't know. I head to the kitchen that's in the room and see there is no food. My stomach growls because I haven't ate in awhile. I decided just to wait until the people outside leave. I sit on the bed and stare at the ceiling. Slowly I drift into sleep. I wake up in a sweat. Another nightmare. That's the 5th one tonight and it's only 2:00 a.m. I decide to get up because I know I won't be able to sleep anymore. I walk around the room and try calling the houses again, but they still don't answer. I check outside the door and people are still there. I look at the window and that's when I realize something I never thought about until now. I'm not in District 12 anymore.


Haiii! Sorry it took so long, but it wasn't showing the chapter I wrote! But thanks for all your amazing comments! They make my day! I'm on summer break! So more updates! Yay! (: But thanks for reading! You my friend are AWESOME!

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