Chapter 30

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Today's the day. My wedding day. I have never been so excited in my entire life. Right now I am getting my make up done. I already have my dress on. Once they are done with my make up they start working on my hair. I have a million butterflies in my stomach. I can barely breathe. In a few hours I'll be Mrs. Mellark. If you told me a couple years ago that I would be in the Hunger Games twice, lead a rebellion, and then get married, I would laugh at you and call you psychotic.

I could never imagine my life turning out the way it did. Even after all the horrible things I've been through I'm finally going to live a happy life. Besides Snow being alive, I am completely safe. I just need to forget about him for as long as I can.

"There you go, sweetie." Flavius exclaims while turning me around to look in the mirror.

I gasp. My hair is done in a beautiful braid, my make up is light and not crazy, and wearing it with my dress just ties it together.

"Thank you so much!" I say.

They all hug me and leave. I look at the time and see that I still have 25 minutes before the wedding starts. Peeta is already there with Haymitch. Annie and Johanna are coming down to the church with me. They come in and gush about how I look and then we go to the church. By the time we get there, there is five minutes until it starts. I talked to Haymitch and he said he would give me away.

"Hey there, sweetheart. You look beautiful." I hear Haymitch say.

"Thanks, Haymitch! You don't look too bad yourself." I reply.

He looks over at the church doors, then back at me and says "We better start walking down that aisle. Don't want to be late to your own wedding."

I chuckle and nod in agreement. He takes my arm and wraps it around his. You know those butterflies you get in your stomach? I think they brought along a heard of cows or something, I'm so nervous. The church doors open and Haymitch and I start walking down the aisle slowly. The first thing my eyes land on are Peeta. He's wearing a black tuxedo and his hair is slicked back. I instantly start smiling. He stares back at me with his hypnotizing blue eyes. Once we walk all the way down the aisle I take Peeta's hand. We exchange vows and say our 'I do's' and a few tears escape my eye.

We finish the reception and everyone says congratulations and that they wish us the best. We get into our car and Peeta starts driving. One of his hands or on the steering wheel while the other is holding mine. We are both grinning widely. My smile can't seem to fade, I'm just so happy. I'm officially Mrs. Mellark now. I look out the window and realize that we passed our house.

"Where are we going?" I ask him curiously.

"You'll find out." He says nonchalantly.

"Mr. Mellark you better tell me now." I teasingly threaten.

He looks over at me, then back at the road and replies "And what if I don't, Mrs. Mellark?"

"You'll find out." I say mockingly. He laughs in reply, then says,

"Katniss Mellark. The name suits you." I laugh and nod in agreement and slowly fall asleep.


I wake up, when I feel myself being carried. I slowly open my eyes and see Peeta carrying me bridal style into some sort of hotel. I don't think much about it because I fall back asleep.


When I wake up again I find myself in a ginormous bed laying down next to Peeta. I decide to get up and attempt to cook. I get up and go to some of the drawers that are in the room and take some shorts and one of Peeta's shirts out of it to wear. I walk to the bathroom and I take a quick shower and then quickly get out. I put on Peeta's shirt and a my shorts. I look around and notice this hotel room is huge. It has it's own kitchen, living room, everything! I head toward the kitchen and open the fridge to see it stocked with food. I take out a carton of eggs and quickly make scrambled eggs. I also make toast and bacon. I throw my fist in the air for successfully cooking something.

Out of no where I feel arms around my waist and I jump, but then I realize it's Peeta and turn around. I peck him on the lips and he smiles.

"Good morning, Mrs. Mellark." he says while sitting down at the table.

"Good morning, Mr. Mellark." I reply while sitting across from him.

We both start eating and just talk about random things. He tells me we are in District 4 and that he decided we should come here for our Honeymoon. We spend the whole day inside because it's raining outside. We talk, kiss and mess around. He randomly becomes serious and says, "Katniss, I need to tell you something."

I see his facial expression and can tell he's nervous and serious.

"Okay, what is it?" I say cautiously.

"I don't really know how to say this, so I'm just gonna come out and say out. I want to have kids." he blurts out.


OH MY GOSH DO YOU GUYS SEE WHAT I SEE? THIS STORY HAS 100K READS. THAT'S INSANE!!!! IM SO HAPPY! I am SOOO sorry for the SUPER DUPER LONG WAIT. School is just stressful and I have to worry about school first. You guys are so loyal and kind and I just love you guys! I'm so sorry for the slow updates! I will try my hardest to update more often! I LOVE YOUUUUUU.


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