Chapter 28

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When we run up the stairs we start frantically running around trying to find a place to hide. I'm about to hide in a closet when Peeta grabs my hand and pulls me under the bed with him. We stay quiet and try to listen to what's happening down stairs."Can I help you boys?" Haymitch asks the peacekeepers I'm assuming. "Yes. Is Katniss Everdeen home?" A deep male voice asks Haymitch. "Why would she be here? This isn't her house." Haymitch asks them as if they were stupid. "Well, we assumed she was here because she wasn't at her house or Mr. Mellark's house." Another voice says. "Well you assumed wrong AND you ruined my day. So I suggest you leave." Snaps Haymitch. "Yes, sir. We're sorry." The peacekeepers apologize. Then I hear a door slam and know they left.

We crawl out from under the bed and Peeta tells me to stay up here until he calls me down. I sit down on the bed and start to freak out. My vision is changing and I see the room changing from normal to filled with blood. I start breathing heavily and my head starts spinning. I see Snow laughing and Prim's dead body laying on the floor. I start screaming and hear people running up the stairs. Haymitch and Peeta look like blood thirsty monsters with blood all over them and giving me a look like they want to kill me. I run to a corner and cover my ears because Snow's laugh is becoming unbearable. Peeta is getting closer and I know this is the end. This is it. I'm going to die.

Then, the noise stops and I look around and everything is normal. Peeta is saying something but I can't hear him. Everything starts spinning again and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm trying to concentrate and make everything stop spinning but it seems to be making it worse. Finally, I start hearing Peeta telling me it'll be okay, just to breathe and focus on him. The dizziness stops and I can clearly see the worry on both Haymitch and Peeta's face. I look around the room to make sure it's completely okay. Peeta leans over and hugs me. I squeeze him as hard as I can, not letting go because I'm afraid if I do I'll lose him. I feel something wet sliding down my face and realize I'm crying.

"It's okay. It wasn't real." Peeta keeps whispering into my ear while holding me. I'm so glad he's here, because I don't know what I would do without him. Haymitch hates seeing people cry and Peeta is the only person who can truly relate to me because he knows what it's like. I finally calm myself down and stand up. "Are you okay Katniss?" Haymitch asks me. No I'm not okay is what I want to scream. I'm not okay at all. I'll never be okay. "Yeah. I'm fine." I lie. I wouldn't be able to explain what I just witnessed without freaking out and panicking. "I think we should just take it easy today, Katniss. We can lay on the couch and watch a movie or something okay?" Peeta says making sure I'm okay with that plan.

"Yeah sounds good." I say. But Haymitch quickly says "Maybe you guys should stay here until we know they're gone. I'll stay in my room. You guys can do whatever." Peeta and I nod and walk downstairs and lay on Haymitch's couch. We just lay there wrapped in each other's arms. Not saying anything. There's nothing to be said. The silence is comfortable and I'm glad he isn't asking any questions. He knows I'm not ready to answer them right now and I'm happy he understands that. "I love you. So much Katniss. I'm so sorry that they did this to you. It hurts me so much to see you like that. Knowing there is nothing I can do to help kills me." He says honestly. I don't want him to be sorry. This isn't his fault.

I think I finally understand that this isn't my fault either. It's all Snow's. If he didn't exist, this wouldn't happen. I know I shouldn't be blaming people for things, but am I right? He is the main resource to all my problems. My head is starting hurt because of all this thinking. "I love you too." I say and then kiss him on the cheek. He smiles brightly and chuckles to himself. "Every time I hear you say those words it makes me the happiest person in the world. You make me the happiest person in the world. I hope you know that." He says while looking my straight in the eye. I smile, despite everything we've been through he can still make me smile, even in the darkest times.

"There's that beautiful smile I was hoping to see." He says while kissing my forehead. I wish our lives could be like this everyday but there is always something in the way. Or someone I should say. I hear the door open and frantically jump off the couch and look around for a weapon, I notice Peeta stand in front of me. "Well that's no way to welcome us. Katniss, there's something we need to show you." I here my old stylists Octavia, Flavius, and Venia say. Peeta looks over to me and has a skeptical look on his face. I can tell he isn't too sure about me going with them. Peacekeepers were just here looking for me and now they want me to go out? I probably should go though, I'm guessing it's important. "I'll be real quick. Okay?" I tell him. He just nods and gives me a quick kiss before I walk out with them. They walk to a shop I haven't see before and I wonder why I'm here.

They take me into the back of the store and Octavia picks up a box and hands it to me. "Open it. It's for you." Flavius says. I open it up and see the most gorgeous wedding dress ever. It has pearls on the top and the skirt part is sparkly. Overall it is a gorgeous dress. "Cinna made it. There is a note in the box." Venia says. I look over to them to see if they are serious and the looks in their eyes tell me they are. I see the note and open it up. It says:

Dear Katniss,
If you are reading this, I have passed away. I made you this dress because I knew you would figure out you loved Peeta. You always have. We could all see the way you looked at him. I hope you'll wear this dress the day you truly marry him. I'm look out for you. I always am. I'm still betting on you girl on fire.
Love always,

I take a minute to soak in what I just read. This really is from Cinna. He always knew Peeta and I would have a future. I know I shouldn't cry. That's not what he would want, so I hold my tears back and thank Venia, Flavius, and Octavia. I take the dress and put it back in it's box and take it home. When I walk in I see Peeta looking at me curiously. "What happened?" He asks while walking over to me. "Cinna knew we would end up together. He made me this wedding dress for the day we truly get married." I say still in shock that Cinna did this. Peeta looks at me for a second and then the box. "Are you okay?" He asks probably wondering if I'm about to break down and start bawling. "Yeah. I'm fine." I say and then set the box down on the kitchen table and lay back down on the couch with Peeta. That's when I begin to cry.

I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED. School is keeping me very busy! Thank you for all your sweet comments! I love you guys! As much as I love gummy bears! And that's saying a lot. I will try to update more frequently and try to make them longer. Comment, vote, message me, do your thing! :D PICTURE OF THE DRESS --------------------------------->

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