Chapter 29

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It seems like I've been crying for hours. Just sitting on the couch in Peeta's arms while he whispers comforting words into my ear. I finally run out of tears and just sit there. I finally decide I'm done with being sad. Cinna wouldn't want that. I stand up and walk into the kitchen.

"Do you want me to make us something to eat?" Peeta asks softly.

I nod my head and sit down at the table. I try to get my mind off Cinna and the dress so I start to think about other things. What's going to happen to us? Is Snow ever going to leave us alone? Will we ever have kids? Will we-. I rewind my thoughts back to having kids. That question seems to scare me the most. Would we ever have children? I know that's what Peeta wants, but would I want children knowing Snow is still alive and after us?

I know we are going to have to talk about this sooner or later. I guess I'm just hoping that it doesn't get brought up for a long time. At least after the wedding. My thoughts interrupted when I smell an amazing smell. I look over at Peeta and see he's done cooking and is setting a plate in front of me.

"What were you thinking about? Peeta asks me.

"About the future." I respond honestly. There is no reason to lie to him. He can tell when I lie and lying to him going to make everything better.

"I think about the future to. Our future. I wonder if Snow is ever going to win. I wonder if one day you're going to leave me for G-"

I don't let him finish his sentence. I already know what he's going to say, so I lean in and kiss him passionately. When we break apart I look at him and smile.

"Don't ever say that. That will never happen. You're the one I want. I love you with all my heart." I say before kissing him again. When we release, he puts his hands in mine and looks me in the eye.

"I love you too. More than you can ever imagine."


I wake up in the morning alone. I get up quickly and look around the house to find Peeta not here. Four months have passed since we were hiding from Peacekeepers in Haymitch's hous. Four months since I got my wedding dress. It's my birthday today and I'm alone. I go into the kitchen and see breakfast and a sticky note. I look at the sticky note and read the note. It says:

Dear my love,

Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I have to work today. I'll see you at 6.



No happy birthday or anything. Normally I wouldn't be upset, but he always remembered my birthday. How could he forget? Maybe because the wedding is in 5 days and that's what he's been thinking about? Probably. I'm just overreacting. Who cares. It's my 19th birthday. No big deal. I decide to go and visit Haymitch. I haven't seen him in a couple of months. I knock on the door and no one answers. I decide to just walk in. I walk all around the house yelling Haymitch, but he's not home. I also visit Annie, but she isn't home either. I decide to go visit Peeta at the bakery.

I get there and he's not there either. In fact it's closed for today according to the sign on the door. I decide to walk around town. I go into a couple of shops they put up after the rebellion and get bored. I decide to go home and spend my birthday by myself. This is my first birthday without Prim. Prim always made a big deal about my birthday, when I could hardly care less. But she always made sure we celebrated it. I arrive at my house and turn on the lights to see everyone I'm friends with here.


I smile and thank everyone for coming. Peeta comes over to me and hugs me.

"I thought you forgot." I say while internally laughing at myself. He would never forget. He's Peeta. I should've known he was plan in something like this.

"I would never." He says.

He leans in a kisses me. We separate and I walk around and say hi to everyone. Peeta tells everyone it's time to eat cake. I look at it and smile brightly. It's the color green and says "Happy 19th birthday, Katniss!"

We all eat the cake and it's amazing. I can just tell Peeta made it. After everyone is finished we go into the living room to open up presents. Octavia, Flavius, and Venia got me make up, Effie got me a new hunting jacket, Johanna got me some new arrows, Annie and Finn got me a new bow, my mom gave me a picture of my dad, Prim, and I, and Peeta got me a beautiful necklace that had a green stone in the middle. I thank everyone and give them a hug. This is definitely one of the best birthdays I've ever had.


It has literally been like 2 months since I've updated! I am SOOO SORRY. School is keeping me so busy! Ugh I feel awful! But anyways, I'm going to have a cover contest soon. I'll decide when it starts and stuff. I'll let you all know! THANKS FOR READING, I LOVE YOU GUYYYYYSSSS. UNTIL NEXT TIME (which hopefully won't be that long) ~Kayla

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