CHAPTER 1- Beginning

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"Xavier son go hide in the cabinet and don't come until I call you, do you understand love".

" mom please don't leave me I'm scared, please call daddy he will come and save us. He is my hero mom, right?" young Xavier said while crying.

"Son, don't be scared, mom is right here with you just don't come out okay"? the woman said

Suddenly a man came and started dragging the woman by her hair, young Xavier saw her mother's condition which any child can never dream of covered in her blood, broken legs, and hands.

"Young Xavier heard his mom's scream and ran to his mom and saw her in her pool of blood. Her clothes were barely covering her body. He was too little to understand what had happened to his mom. 'Mom please wake up mom please don't leave me, mom, I'll be a good boy from now on please open your eyes mom I'm scared "young Xavier said while crying.

"Wi..William". The last words left from his mother's mouth

"Noooooo, mom". A young man shouted while waking up from his dream breathing heavily. Sweat beads are visible on his face.

"I promise you mom those people will pay for every tear from your eyes. I'll make them feel the same as you felt. I'll make them beg me for death but I'll not give them easy death, I'll kill them every day without any mercy. They will rot in living hell, in my hell where this devil will not show any mercy" the young man while gritting his teeth said'


Xavier Romano, the most handsome eligible billionaire in Italy with striking gray eyes. His name is enough to make a person shiver in fear. He got ready in his black Armani suit looking handsome, his godly looks are enough to make girls drool over him. As he entered his company ' ROMANO ENTERPRISES LTD' everything went silent, his intimidating gaze is enough to make people shiver.

 As he entered his company ' ROMANO ENTERPRISES LTD' everything went silent, his intimidating gaze is enough to make people shiver

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Xavier's pov

phone rings 'speak' Xavier said,

"sir work is done you can see the news everywhere".

Breaking News

Alex William who was investing in a petroleum project with Nicole Rissi, is accused for killing Mr. Rissi for taking over the whole project under his hands. He is also founded bribing the shareholders for selling their shares to him to take over the RISSI ENTERPRISES.

Xavier smirked and said "this bastard will never stop being greedy, set a meeting with William he's waiting for so long to meet me".. ~call ends

"18 years, I've waited for 18 years, this devil is coming for you Alex I will make you this much miserable that you will even fear to breath".

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