Chapter 23- "Never let you go"

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I wiped my tears when Sam slowly patted my shoulder and said "I don't know what happened between you two but you have to stay strong for her, you have to be her support. No matter what you both lost your baby". Sam said but do I really want to tell her about the baby, no. Firstly I want to know her, about her past and I know she will not able to tolerate any more pain.

I looked toward Sam and blankly said---

"We won't tell her anything"

"Have you gone crazy Xavier? She is the mother of the child, she has every right to know" Sam said making me sigh.

"I know Sam she has every right to know, but you also know that she won't to able to take it and it will eventually worsen her health and more than that we have more things to find out about her". I said, while sam rubbed his face with his palms and nodded.

"I will find out everything soon, don't worry," Sam said while patting my shoulder and left while I was gazing at the lying figure in front of me. I slowly took my steps towards her and held her hand in mine and lightly stroked my thumb on her hand and said those things which I've been holding inside my heart because I know she can't hear me right now or maybe because when she will wake up everything is gonna change between us maybe worse. I want to let go of everything and want to say those unsaid things to you.

"You know Rose after my parents left me, I had everything but I never cared because there was something else which I always crave for love, warmth, and happiness which I didn't have". I chuckled painfully and wiped my tears with my other hand.

 "But I shut those all emotions which was making me weak, you were right I turned myself into a monster but everything changed in a snap when this monster saw you for the first time, those innocent orbs that smile which can enlighten even the cold heart. I was so mad to take my revenge that I became blind to notice anything. When you said you me, I felt warmth for the first time after my parents died. I ruined everything right? I took your smile, your in..innocence everything. I turned myself into something which my mother never wanted me to be. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness for what I have done but when I saw you laying lifeless on the floor, I was scared, scared of losing you it was like someone sucked my life from my body. At that moment I realize what your presence matters to me, you keep me sane. You are my sanity, I've already lost so much in my life but now I can't afford to lose you also. I don't know how to name those feelings. I don't care what Sam is gonna find about you, I don't care if that bastard is your father because once my mother told me you should never let go of those people from your life who makes you happy and I will----

"Never let you go" I am willing to do anything for that. I was slowly patting her head I immediately called the doctor when I saw a slight movement in her fingers. I was feeling like someone put life in my lifeless heart. I was desperate to have a glimpse of her blue orbs. I didn't realize I was smiling while looking at her frowned eyebrows in confusion but soon my smile faded when she turned her face away as soon she saw me. I was able to see her tears slipping from the corner of her eyes. I felt like something was pricking my heart. I immediately went out of the room not being able to hold back my tears anymore.

 I immediately went out of the room not being able to hold back my tears anymore

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I looked around and found myself in the middle of the garden. The garden was surrounded by beautiful flowers, and the sunlight was enhancing the beauty of the garden, I was walking towards the beautiful roses but suddenly I felt the tug on my white dress, I confusedly looked down and found a cute little boy in a yellow t-shirt. He extended his little hands with beautiful Red roses towards me with a toothy smile. I chuckled and took flowers from him. I crouched down and look at his beautiful gray eyes which were staring at me. I slowly cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead and mumbled thank you making him giggle. His innocent eyes were reminded of someone.

"Hey baby, what are you doing alone here?". I asked

"I was looking for my mommy," the little boy said with a pout making me chuckle at his cuteness.

"So, did you find your mommy?" I asked while chuckling while the little boy nodded and pointed his little finger towards me making me confused and said "Yes, you are mommy".

"Baby I think you are mistaken, I am not your---" before I could say anything further the little boy hugged me tightly, his little warm hands were wrapped around my neck. His warmth made my heart swell in affection like we have a very close relationship with each other. He broke the hug and cupped my cheeks with his small palms and said "Mommy you have to go, daddy, is waiting for me". I shook my head negatively and said "no baby, we'll go other". His smile soon turned into a sad frown, he pouted and said "No mommy I can't go with you because god called me to heaven but I love you very much mommy, and tell daddy also that I love him very much " He said while extending his both little arms in the air making me chuckle. 

He giggled and kissed my cheek and ran towards the light. 

"Mommy catch me," he said while giggling and I was running behind him while laughing but the brightness of the light made my eyes close. When I slowly opened my eyes, my vision was blur. I found myself lying on the bed in the unknown room, tubes were attracted to my wrist, my head was slightly paining, and my throat was dry as a desert. I was surrounded by doctors who were busy examining me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked around, those gray eyes were starting me while smiling. All the memories flooded inside my brain, of course, why wouldn't he smile, this is what exactly he wants, giving me pain. He got more chances to hurt me in the future since I am not dead.  I immediately turned my face away not wanting to see his face. A lone tear fell from my eyes and ran down my cheek. The last thing I heard before doctors were calling my name was the shutting sound of the door.


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