Chapter 4- An unexpected deal

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I am working in my cafe my whole body was paining like a bitch and the cherry on the top I have to work overtime today

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I am working in my cafe my whole body was paining like a bitch and the cherry on the top I have to work overtime today. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize Jacob have been calling me for a while..

"We need to talk rose," Jacob said sternly I know what he wants to talk about even though he's my best friend but I always don't feel to talk about this topic with anyone because I don't like to get anyone's sympathy.

"Not again Jacob please," I said but he suddenly gripped my shoulders firmly.

"Listen Rose I know you don't like to talk about this topic, but still I am going to talk about this. I just don't get it why are you enduring this all shit by yourself even if they are your parents they just can't hit you like this. Why can't you understand I can't see you like this Rose". Jacob said while pinching the bridge of his nose his eyes were holding so many emotions that I was unable to calculate at that time.

He frustratingly ran his fingers in his through his hair and said: "Rose you just go home it's already 7 I don't want anything to happen to you again I will take your shift. Call me if anything happens, okay?". I just nodded my head not knowing what to say.

I have to reach home before 8 otherwise mom will kill me. I didn't have money so I started walking the road surprisingly the whole road was empty. I am feeling like someone is watching me maybe I am being paranoid but not taking any risk I started walking fast. Suddenly a group of boys came in front of me in which well build man came I front me. His whole body was covered in tattoos

"Where are you going lady, let's have some fun," the tattooed guy said and held my wrist tightly I was struggling to free my hand.

"Leave my hand," I said and kicked his balls hardly making him cry in pain and took i the opportunity and started running like a mad woman I took out my phone to call Jacob but unfortunately my phone was dead. I was running and I tripped my ankle got twisted. I was trying to stand but my ankle got sprained and to my bad luck I was surrounded by the goons.

The tattooed guy came forward and slapped me hard." How dare you bitch" he said and started dragging me.

"Please help me.. Please somebody help me". I was sobbing heavily and started shouting for help.

"This bitch won't listen like that". The other red-haired man said and started tearing my sleeves. I was thrashing in his arms to free myself. At that moment I was crying feeling helpless because I was not even able to protect myself. But then I heard a voice, a very familiar voice. I opened my eyes to Xavier beating the red hair guy mercilessly.

"How dare you to touch her bastard I'll kill you today". Xavier roared and started beating all the goons without any mercy. I was still numb I was unable to calculate what is happening. Xavier was beating them like a crazy man like he was possessed or something I was scared of him at that moment.

"I need to stop him or else he'll kill them" I mumbled and held his hand"ple..please stop'll kill him" I was sobbing heavily, as soon as I said he immediately left him and hugged me tightly in his arms. That's when I broke down and started crying loudly, in his arms I was feeling the warmth for which I have been lodging my whole life.

"Shh.shh nothing is gonna happen to you Amore I am here". He was cooing soft things in my ears makes me want to drown in his arms forever.

He broke the hug and cupped my face and said " are you okay love" I nodded my head then he took his coat and put it on me

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He broke the hug and cupped my face and said " are you okay love" I nodded my head then he took his coat and put it on me.

"Let's go, love," he said and started to take me towards his car but due to my sprained ankle I was about to fall then he suddenly caught me and carried me in bridal style and made me sit in his car.

"Please leave me here Mr. Romano I will just go from here". He irritatingly looked at me and said "look amore don't be ridiculous I'll drop you at your house so just sit quietly". He said sternly he had already saved me I just can't deny him but if Ava saw me with him she will definitely kill me.

"We are here," he said and opened the gate and carried me in bridal style again. "what are you doing Mr. Romano I can walk please put me down".

"First of all amore my name is Xavier and secondly you are already hurt so just shut your pretty mouth and let me do my work," he said and rang the bell and to my luck, Ana opened the door (sarcasm to be noted) she was looking like she will kill me anytime.

"What brings you here Mr. Romano" dad said

"Nothing Mr. William it's just coincidently I met miss William, she just caught in some accidentally and I just helped her"

"Oh, rose dear are you okay, go and have a rest if you want something then tell us," dad said I can sense his fake worry which broke my heart and i just nodded my head.


"Thank you, Mr. Romano, for saving our daughter we owed you our life to you," Alex said and Xavier nodded.

"If I already came here then let's talk about some business Mr. William," Xavier said.

"Oh yes Mr. Romano please come inside,"Alex said and they both went to his study

"Remember Mr. William what we talked about the deal if I will help you then you will give me whatever I want". Xavier said while smirking.

"Ahh..Ah yes I remember Mr. Romano"

"So according to the deal, I've already helped you now it's your time for payback Mr. William".

"Yes Mr. Romano I am very grateful to you please name what you want I'll try my best to give you"

"The thing I want Mr. William is your daughter I really like her and I want to marry her"

"Alex smiled ear to ear like he really hit the jackpot. "Yes, Mr. Romano I am in favor of this marriage. My Ana is very lucky to have you"

"Wait Mr. William I never took Ana's name I am talking about Rose"

"I want to marry Rose"






Hello my lovely readers

This is the new chapter. Hope you like this chapter if you do please comment down it will encourage me to write more.

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With love



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