Chapter 16- I Conspiracy I

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How can I lose my calm like that? I fucking told her everything, her words triggered me that I lost my calm in front of my anger

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How can I lose my calm like that? I fucking told her everything, her words triggered me that I lost my calm in front of my anger. I looked around and banged my fist on the wall, I ruined the whole room in anger.

"Fuck it"

"Stop it, Xavier, I know this is painful for you but trust me it's not easy for her. She is also suffering. So stop hurting yourself go and check up on her. Hope she won't try something stupid again". Sam said and somewhere he was right also no matter how much I hate her father still, it's challenging to cope with everything. I just nodded my head and went towards her room. My heart started beating loudly when I heard whimpers in pain from her room. I started running towards and opened the room and found. Andrea lying in the pool of her blood, she was stabbed. I immediately pressed her wound to stop the bleeding. I pat her pale face but no response. Cold sweat started forming on my forehead, how did she end up like this in Rose's bedroom and where is she?

"Andrea open your eyes, stay with me". I picked her up in bridal style and ran to the hospital. As soon as I reached the hospital the doctors took her inside. But what happened between her and Rose and where is she? I called sam and told him to find the footage. I immediately cut the call when doctors came out of the OT.

"How's she doctor?"

"She is fine Mr. Romano, fortunately, her wound was not deep,  we have shifted her to the VIP ward you can meet her after some time". The doctor said.

"Thank you, doctor". 

My head was ready to burst at any moment. Rose was the only person in the mansion but I don't think she can do this. But then why did she run away, I swear I will make her life hell if she's the one behind all this. I just hope that you are not behind all of this I don't know what I'll do then. No matter how much your eyes melt my heart but there is always something that pushes us far from each other. 

"Sir she's awake, you can meet the patient". The nurse said making my thoughts halt. Andrea started crying as soon she saw me. I immediately hugged her and started patting her back.

" sc..scared Xa..Xavier, she wi..will kill me" Andrea said while choking her sobs.

"What do you mean Andrea"? 

"Ro..Rose she tr..tried to k..kill me."

"Tell me clearly Andrea what happened, and why she will try to kill you".

"Today when I went to her room, I heard her tal..talking with someone like something running away with someone and when she saw me, she the..threatened me that she will kill me if tell someone. I was about to you but she snatched my phone and said she kn..knows that I am your wi..wife and if try to call you then she wi..will tell everything to the media and our family name will be d..doomed because everyone knows her as your wife, not me. I still tried to stop her but she st..stabbed me and ran away". My whole body started burning in anger, how dare she, I promise you Rose once I found you, I'll ruin you. Somewhere I was regretting what I have done to you but if you want to play like this then I will also play fair. Now you will see who is Xavier Romano.

"Sleep Andrea I'll take care of everything". I said and came out of the room and called Sam.

"Did you find something".

"Y..yes, but I don't think she can-"

"Shut up Sam and tell me what you saw" I screamed.

" She ran away from the mansion and went inside a black car," he said. 

"Find everything about the car and track it as soon as possible and send me the location".

"Bu.." Sam was about to say something but I immediately cut the call not wanting to hear his useless ranting about her innocence.

"Run Rose run as fast as you can but remember one thing Xavier will always be your last destination".

"Run Rose run as fast as you can but remember one thing Xavier will always be your last destination"

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"Xavier is my husband Rose, he's my husband.. legally. He married me before you, he loves me not you."I started running from the mansion, tears kept on flowing from my eyes. I just ran and ran without knowing. I was feeling choked and suffocated. My parents killed my husband's parents and the man with whom I took my wedding vows was never my husband he already belonged to someone. I immediately hugged Jacob as soon as I saw him. I was feeling like my heart was crushing with the truth of all lies and past.

"Ta..Take me aw..away Jacob or I will die" I said while choking my sobs and he nodded. I immediately went inside the car and went away from that beautiful cage from the man and everything.

Andrea's words keep on ringing in my head. How could he play with me like this, with my feelings with my life? I know what my parents did was totally inhumane and cruel for which I can never forgive them, they brutally killed them but he, is he any different from my parents not physically but he killed my soul today. Isn't he as cruel as my parents when I am not at fault? I inwardly chuckled, I guess it's true that children had to pay for their parent's sin. Anyways Xavier I hope you will have a happy life with Andrea because once I loved you more than anything more than myself, once you were my everything maybe still. But it doesn't matter anymore with that I slowly closed my eyes, and a lone tear fell from my eyes.

My eyes jerked open when I heard a gunshot. My mind was numb to register anything, when someone pulled me towards himself, again those gray orbs which were not blank but today they were holding something inside them...maybe hate. His next words shook my soul through the core.

"Going somewhere..amore".


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With love❤️❤️


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