Chapter 50- Storm of Destruction

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Have you ever felt like that fairytale came alive in your life where the only thing that surrounds you is love and contentment, everything so blissful and happy you have ever wished for? That's how my life has been since we got back together last ...

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Have you ever felt like that fairytale came alive in your life where the only thing that surrounds you is love and contentment, everything so blissful and happy you have ever wished for? That's how my life has been since we got back together last month. I couldn't describe the feeling when Xavier looks at me like I am the center of the world, the shiver I feel when his fingers trace the curves of my skin. The soothing words he whispers in my ears while making love to me. I swear that man couldn't keep his hand off me. My cheeks turned red remembering the last night.


I was so sitting on the armchair, I was too engrossed in the reading to acknowledge the footsteps coming towards me. All my concentration evaporate in thin air when I felt soft breathing on my ear.  A moan left my mouth his teeth slightly bit my ear lobe and the next thing I knew I was on his lap.

"What are you doing Xavier?" I asked which came more like a moan but his lips continued to torture my neck leaving wet kisses behind. My hands were clasping his shirt tightly into fists like they were holding for their life.

"I am hungry babe" he whispered near my ear and I would be lying if I say butterflies were erupting in my stomach because the whole zoo was dancing in my stomach. His gray orbs which were almost looking black with desire stared right into mine. I gulped looking at the intensity of his gaze piercing right through my soul.

"Then should eat" I whispered only I know how much strength it took me to make my voice come out of my mouth.

"That's what I am doing," he said and claimed my lips, I swear to god at this rate this man is gonna give me a heart attack one day I could literally hear my heartbeat. His hands slowly found their way inside my shirt reaching my breast, his fingers slowly pinched my nipple making me gasp and his tongue attacked mine and soon my shirt is off of my body.

His lips went to my shoulder leaving kisses behind, my palms were gripping his hair in fists. His teeth caught my bra strap in his mouth pushing it down to my elbows while his hand unclipped my bra leaving it bare to his eyes.

"I just can't get enough of you, baby" he whispered and I couldn't hold back my moan anymore. His lips were continuously attacking my swells, his fingers were slowly thrusting my pussy.

"Ahhh..Xavier" I gasped in pleasure when his fingers curled inside me making my whole body shiver.

"I like it when you moan my name it feels like.."

"like?" I asked reaching my climax

He looked directly at me with his lazily opened eyes and disheveled hair, cleaning his finger with his tongue coated in my juices. I was still gasping for air but all the remaining air was knocked out from my lungs looking at him.

"So beautiful, so sweet, and mine," he said and picked me up in his arms. My back touched the cold silk sheets erupting goosebumps on my body. His hands went to my pants pulling them out of my legs. His hands slowly clasped mine and in one go he was inside me.

Sweat trickled over his body when he release his explosion inside me, and we both moaned and panted in pleasure. His body fell beside me embracing me in his arms. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead and whispered " I love you".

"I love you too" I whispered looking at him, his face was serene when he smile and I swear I am falling deeper and deeper in love with him and I don't regret it.

His hand reaches for his phone when we heard the ping sound of the message. His smile faded, his face was pale, and his body was shaking in anger. I was too worried looking at him like this.

"Everything is okay, right?" I asked he looked at me gently smiled and said "Of course, now sleep you must be tired" and buried my face in his chest, and soon sleep and exhaustion took over me.

flashback ends

I could help but my smile soon vanished remembering his behavior. It was not the first time I saw him like this in this one month like something is really bothering him but when I ask him about this he just simply shooed it away saying some business problems I know him very well it's very unlikely of him that he looks this much bothered about business. I know he won't want to make me worried but his tackling everything by himself worries me more and no matter what I am going to ask him and he has to answer. Since he is coming late today I went to watch TV. till he comes. The pitter-patter sound of the rain started increasing. The windows were flapping loudly due to the fast-blowing wind. I went to close the window, but the sky is covered with thick dark clouds, and the loud sound of thunder shook my body in fear.

"Looks like a storm is going to come" I whispered and tried to call Xavier but his phone was unreachable maybe because of network issues due to thunder. I was sitting and watching television but my mind and heart is not at peace.

The ringing of my phone deviated my mind from the unsettling feeling.

"Unknown number? I whispered and picked up the call.

"Hello?" I said all I could hear was the panting and crying sound from the other side.

"Hello, who's this?" I asked

"Hello Rose, me, please. He wi...will kill me" I know this voice, adrenaline rushed through my veins in fear.

"Ana? What happened to you? Where are you?" I asked more as blabbered anything that came to mind in fear because I was freaking out myself.

"I don't know..know, they kidnapped me..He wi..will kill me I don't want to die" she said while crying.

"Ana, Ana listen to me stop crying first. Send me your location, I..I am coming " I said and soon I got to her location

"Pl..please come fas.." the last thing I heard was her scream and then the phone turned off. I was trying Xavier's phone again and again but was still unreachable. At last, the only option I was left with is going alone not before sending a text to him. Hoping that he will see it before I reach there.

Little did I know that this storm is a storm of destruction and I was walking toward it rather than running away from it.


Hope you guys like this chapter.

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