Chapter 12- Abandoned

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They say that the worst kind of hurt is betrayal because it means someone is willing to hurt you to make themselves feel better. Betrayal doesn't only broke her heart but also darkened her soul. 

She was walking aimlessly on the deserted streets as she lost her will to live. Her love is becoming a poison for her own which is killing her from inside with each and every second. The shine, and charm her eyes were holding before were all lost like they never existed in her life. 

I am standing on the bridge because now I don't think of any purpose in my life

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I am standing on the bridge because now I don't think of any purpose in my life. Often what we think as ours is not ours. I'm still not understanding for whose sins I've been paying off since my childhood. The person whom I loved with my whole heart didn't only taint my body but he tainted my soul, he bruised my soul to that extent where it's impossible to heal, and about my family, they abandoned me like I was never a part of their lives.


After Xavier left her she stood up and started walking where her legs were taking her at that time she just wanted someone to hold her. She didn't realize when her legs stop in front of her doorsteps. She rang the bell, her eyes were continuously shedding tears, and the door was opened by Ana. She looked at Rose's condition with her eyes widen but soon her shocked expression changed into a smirk and she called her parents. She immediately ran to her mother's arm and started crying loudly.

"What the hell girl, stay away and look at your condition," Judy said and jerked her away from herself.

"What are you doing here? Where's Mr. Romano" Alex asked 

"H..he lef..left me". Rose said while sobbing, Alex came in front of her and slapped her hard making her stumbled, and caught her by her hair "What do you mean he left you? What the fuck you did..huh? Listen you bitch I'll not tolerate you in this house, I'll not let you taint my name. Dare to come here again you'll not leave alive from here" Alex said and kicked her out of the house. 

Ana came toward her "Oh my poor little sister. Look at yourself the person with whom you were dying to marry left you like trash. I guess my curse worked but the only thing is left, your death and by looking at your condition I think it's not far. I hope you rot in hell, my lovely sister. Ana said mockingly without realizing the person in front of her losing the last thread of her patience with each and every second.


I should die, I lost everything my happiness, my dignity, my soul everything. His betrayal his words and most importantly the people whom I used to thought my family abandoned me. Everything is rewinding in my mind on a loop that is killing my soul. I closed my eyes but suddenly someone caught my wrist making me fall. I immediately opened my eyes when I heard the familiar voice. It was Xavier, who ruined my life in just a few days.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing"? Xavier shouted making me flinch in fear. He caught my arm in a tight grip and started dragging me. 

"Leave me " 

"This is what you want right, you used me and throw me like trash that I've never meant anything to you. You, you took my innocence Xavier for which I am not aware. You didn't just break my heart and taint my body who tainted my soul. You made me feel disgusted by myself Xavier, you're a monster. What is my mistake..huh? You left me like, like I am a some kind of wh..whore".

"Shut up, just shut up don't say that word again. Stop this all and let's go you need rest". 

"I am not going anywhere with you unless you tell me the reason. Why me? What I've ever done to you? Why me, why me? I started shouting at him, tears were not stopping from my eyes. I was feeling a huge lump forming in my chest which was making me hard to breathe. My head start spinning and the last thing I saw was some different emotion in his eyes maybe...guilt and after that everything went black.

"Rose, wake up," Xavier said and started patting her face lightly he lifted her in bridal style and went to his car and took her to his house.

"What happened doctor, is she alright?" Xavier said

"She got a panic attack, I don't know the reason behind the panic attack but make sure not to give her any stress it's not good for her both physical and mental health. For now, I gave her a sedative so most probably she will wake up tomorrow" the Doctor said and left.

 "What should I do now, why I am feeling restless while looking at your this condition" Xavier mumbled while staring at unconscious Rose.

"What the hell this girl is doing in this house Xavier and most importantly in our bedroom," Andrea said

"Look Andrea just get out, I don't think it's necessary to answer you and besides this is my bedroom, not ours so just go to your room and leave me alone"

"This is what you always do Xavier, pushing me away from you, you never let me step in your bedroom but this girl, this girl is sleeping on your bed. Remember one thing Xavier she is not your wife but I am and this everything belongs to me including you and I will make sure that what's mine will always remain mine" Andrea said while glaring at the unconscious figure 

"Stop your fucking bullshit Andrea if you try to do anything stupid then I will forget that you are my uncle's friend's daughter and about being my wife I will make sure that you won't even be able to be my maid," Xavier said while gritting his teeth.

Maid? This is what I meant to you, guess what I was right you are falling for that bastard's daughter who ruined your childhood and look at yourself you are losing your sanity because of this bitch not because you are angry with her or with me but at yourself because you are regretting" Andrea said while tears were pooling out from her eyes.

 Xavier was losing his calm with her each and every word. He raised his hand to slap her but his hands halted in the air and curled into fists " Get lost before I do something which I will regret later and don't you dare to tell her anything about our marriage" Xavier said while gritting his teeth his eyes and face were red in anger.

"This is the last thing I've been expecting from you Xavier" Andrea whispered and ran out of his room while crying.

"Fuck" Xavier cursed, he pinched his nose bridge and punched the wall harshly making his knuckles bleed.


Hello, my lovely readers.

Again sorry for the late update, my two entrance exams are coming this month so that's why I don't get much time to upload but I'll make sure after my exams I'll try to upload faster.

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With love♥️



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