Chapter 10- Betrayal

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Xavier came forward and caught me towards my waist, his one hand was lying on my waist while the other was on my cheek

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Xavier came forward and caught me towards my waist, his one hand was lying on my waist while the other was on my cheek. His gray eyes were pitch black. He was starting my lips, I was able to feel the erupting butterflies in my stomach. He started caressing my lips with his thumb making my breath hitched.

He came forward and whispered huskily near my ear making my neck hair stand,

"Whatever will happen today will remain till this place".

"Hu..Huh" I said not able to understand his words but all the thoughts left my mind when I felt his breath on my face, his lips were lingering over mine. I closed my eyes due to close intimacy. I can sense the dancing butterflies in my stomach. I tightly clutched his shirt in my fists when our lips met. He was kissing me passionately like he was telling me his feelings through the kiss. He pulled me through my waist making our bodies collide. I didn't realize when my hands traveled on his neck. 

Our kiss was getting more and more passionate, suddenly he hovered over me making me gasp. His lips traveled down towards my neck and collarbones leaving wet kisses. I bit my lips not wanting to create any noise. His hands traveled towards the zipper of my dress. I clutched his arms due to the tingling feeling arising inside my body. I slowly opened my eyes when I heard his voice, I was able to feel his minty breath over my lips, he was caressing my cheek with his hand.

"Can I..Rose?" he mumbled while breathing heavily, his eyes were intensely looking into mine our noses were colliding with each other making our breath mingle. I just nodded my head slightly not able to open my mouth like I just lost my voice. I felt his lips over my forehead which lingered over there for some time than on my nose and finally on my lips. I was melting in his arms with each and every moment. For the first time in my life, I was feeling love, and warmth which I have been craving since my childhood. At that moment I just wanted time to stop there. The warmth of his love was warming my soul. I spend my whole night in his arms, in his warmth hoping this dream never ends.

Rose was sleeping peacefully in his arms without knowing the person beside her was staring at her with riddled emotions that he was not able to understand by himself.  The turmoil of his feelings was stabbing his heart and soul but the feeling of revenge was fading all foreign feelings.

" What are you doing to me? I am not supposed to feel anything for you rather than hate. It must be lust, right?. Whatever it is it will fade away after leaving this place, I'll make sure of it" Xavier mumbled while tucking the strand of hair behind her ear and turned his back towards her.

Sun rays were falling on Rose's making her groan in annoyance. Her eyes jolt opened when she remembered last night's events. She looks beside her and found it empty. She sighed looking at the closed bathroom door. She peeked inside the blanket and found her wearing his shirt. Her cheeks tinted red in shyness. She immediately covered her face with a blanket when she heard the clicking sound of the bathroom door. She peeked through the blanket and found Xavier fully dressed. She immediately stood up and said shyly while looking at the floor."Yo..You should have woken me up if we are leaving" Xavier looked at her with cold emotionless eyes and passed by her. She looked at him in confusion. His behavior was making her heart pain. She tried to talk to him but he roared at her in anger.

"Are you dumb or what? Can't you understand I don't want to talk to you" Xavier said making tears flow from the pair of innocent blue eyes. Her heart was crushing due to his behavior. Rose caught his wrist gently while sobbing and said "Di..Did I do something wrong Xa..Xavier? Wh..Why are you be..behaving like this?" 

Xavier jerked his hand from her grip making her stumble and said "You don't have any right to ask me anything if you want to know then ask your parents Miss. William, we're over."

"Wh..What ar..are you talking about Xavier, I am you're wi..wife. We got married yes..yesterday" Rose said while gripping his hands. Her eyes were red and puffy due to continuous crying. Xavier jerked his hands making her fall and ground and said while chuckling " What marriage my dear Rose, oh that fake promises.. tsk tsk. I'm sorry to say but that marriage that promises were all fake baby. You are no one to me" and left her frozen.

Her senses became all numb. Her fragile heart was broken by the hands of that person whose hands she wanted to hold till her last breath. The person whom she thought her as her savior and gave him everything broke her to no extent.

" he can't do th..this to me" Rose mumbled and started running while stumbling towards him. "Xavier stop, listen to me please don't do this to me. Xavier please stop". She was screaming his name in agony but that person kept on walking without giving any glance. The rain drops started pouring, clouds were thundering loudly. Her screams were the evidence of her pain and agony. The sky was raining heavily along with her cries, it was like nature was crying for the poor soul.

"Don't turn around Xavier, don't. She deserves this. I got my revenge finally I should be happy. I should not feel any sympathy for her. This was bound to happen" Xavier mumbled and kept on walking without giving any glance to the poor soul who was crying her heart out. The dream she wanted to last long became her worst nightmare.

One was crying in pain, agony, and betrayal while the other's heart was screaming for unknown emotions. Her cries should give him happiness and satisfaction but instead, a wave of unknown emotions was knocking on the door of his heart which he is not willing to accept at any cost.

Hello, my lovely readers.

This is the chapter for today. Hope you liked the chapter .

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With love♥️♥️



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