Chapter 48- The monster's love

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First of all, I am sorry to all my readers for making you all wait for so long. I've been really caught up with my studies and health issues that I couldn't help but to take a break for some time. Anyways, only a few chapters are left and I am determined to finish it on time so I could start another book on time💖💖.

 Anyways, only a few chapters are left and I am determined to finish it on time so I could start another book on time💖💖

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"Like you are any less Xavier, once a monster will always be a monster when it unleashes and you'll always be a-----


A monster, she called him a monster how much easy it was for her to call him and how much easier it was easy for me to accept it. That's what he is, the people I've been surrounded by my whole life were all monsters and I was just bait in their evilness. I was struck by the whirlwind of my emotions where my one half was telling me to let go of everything while another part was screaming to not even let these monsters even to see my shadow. I flinched with Xavier's firm grip on my wrist.

"Monster huh? Well isn't it enough to deal with pests like you". Xavier said with his wicked smirk. His stare was enough to make Ana shiver in fear and I won't lie this is the first time I've seen him like this that even I am shivering. Giving the last deadly stare Ana he started dragging me outside the cafe. Now I felt stupid of myself that again I was standing silently doing nothing and letting people walk over me and this time it was Xavier.

"Let me go, Xavier" I jerked my wrist off of his grip but all my confidence went in vain with his dark gaze which was piercing through my soul.

"Get. Inside. the. car" he said or should I say warning, this time my inner battle to be brave won which I know was totally stupid when I already know the consequences of my bravery.

"No". Just a word but my brain is already giving me red signals still decided to push myself. "I won't go anywhere with you and wait, how do you I was here?" and then realization hit me like lightning "You were tailing me?" I whispered

"What do you think you are huh?" No this was wrong he can't invade my privacy I won't let him especially when I am trying to get all of my past, his actions are reminders of those memories. My fists were continuously hitting him but the last thing I know I was pinned to his car, his breath hitting my face.

I was struggling to get out of his grip but all my struggle was useless when I saw his eyes which were piercing my soul I couldn't keep my gaze away but kept looking at my reflection in them and the next words definitely explode in my beating heart. 

"That bitch just said, Amore. A monster, I am a monster but let me tell you not every monster is known for destruction some are known to protect also and this monster knows both to protect you and destroy those who try to harm you even if it meant bloodshed".

Just a single word came to my mouth "why?" call it stupid but I am desperate to know.

"Isn't it obvious? love that's what it is called, my hate was vicious but my love, my love is lethal Rose, which wants nothing but to engrave in your mind, soul, and body to make you mine".

The next thing I knew this mouth was savagely claiming my mouth and I couldn't help to give in, no matter how much my mind denies making this mistake again but my heart knows what it wants and I am on my way, to commit this mistake again and, I like it. My fingers went to his locks reciprocating the kiss in equal passion.

Mature content ahead

I was too late to realize how we already end up in his hotel room but the burning desire in my heart and body for him is too high to shade over my determination. All I wanted to get sinned by this sinner who is already assaulting my neck with his wet kisses leaving blue and purple marks. The only question raised in my mind was that is, am I doing the right thing? But one thing I know for sure is his love is an intoxication that was easy to drink but hard for me to let go and I am too intoxicated to let go.

His hands went to my hips lifting me up my legs coiled around his waist, my fingers ran on his chest memorizing the same cuts making him shudder under my touch. His heat was already melting the pool between my legs and he knows it too.

"Fuck" he grunted in need and I could feel his hard on my stomach. He strides towards the bed still devouring my lips and taking my breath away but I am far too aroused to stop him. He ran to the zipper of my dress on the back, goosebumps rose on my whole body from his fingers teasing my back leaving me naked.

My back came in contact with silk sheets while his body was covering my body, I slowly opened my eyes only to find those orbs were already looking straight into my eyes filled with lust, need, and, his lethal love. His thumb slowly caressed my cheek and I involuntarily leaned to his touch.

"You want me to continue because after that there is no going back, Rose" he whispered and I know it too there is no going back now. My hand slowly raised, and my fingers gently caressed his lips. I was playing with fire pushing him to the edge to want me as much as I want him.

"That's it" he gritted and dived his mouth on my breast teasing the hardened buds. His hands went to clit pushing my panties down and caressing my swollen clit. My whole body shivered under his touch my clit was begging for him.

"Fuck you are so wet, baby" he cursed, I moaned out loud bringing me to the edge. My grip tightened on the sheets when his breathing hit my throbbing core, his tongue was ravaging my core, and my legs started shaking due to the pressure on my stomach.

"Let it go baby" he whispered near my near and planted a kiss on my neck. My breath turned heavy when the pressure in my stomach pooled out from my core leaving the wetness behind.

Xavier looked into my eyes and said " I love you, Rose" and he was finally inside me knocking out the air from my lungs. His lips attacked my lips distracting me from the sweet pain which was slowly turning into pleasure.

And I finally fell into this monster's love, again.


Hope you guys like this chapter.

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