Chapter 45- Not gonna be easy

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"I can't because I am a possessive jerk, baby," Xavier said with a smirk lingering on his lips

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"I can't because I am a possessive jerk, baby," Xavier said with a smirk lingering on his lips. I swear to god my heart is literally doing somersaults, sweat beads had already started appearing on my forehead due to my increasing heartbeats, he is making me weak. No matter how much I tried to compose myself, his possessiveness unwantedly felt good to me, which annoyed me the most. Even if I can make my mind work how I want but my body and heart declined to sync with my mind.  

"Get me a coffee, till your boyfriend arrives," he said showing me his usual smirk which really started to get on my nerves, god how much I want to wipe that smirk away. I huffed in annoyance and went to make his damn coffee, what else I can do he is not gonna move. I can still feel his gaze boring holes my back erupting goosebumps all over my body. My whole body shivered when I felt the touch on my shoulder and to my relief it was grandma.

"You okay, dear," she asked and I nodded she turned around and saw Xavier still staring at me, her worried expression soon turned into a smile or should I say wicked smile something is definitely going through her mind. She took the coffee and went towards him with her biggest smile on her face and I was really shocked to see this because it was very unlike her, out of curiosity I followed her.

She placed the coffee in front of Xavier and sat beside him with a smile and said "You're very handsome" my eyes went wide while Xavier awkwardly glanced at me and thanked her and to my fate, grandma was not finished yet.

"So young man I've been looking at you for a quite when you were staring at my daughter do you like her, are you single?," she said and I swear, for a moment my soul left my body. What is she saying and especially to whom? Another wave of surprise choked my breath when I saw him blushing too with a shy smile. Oh god, what is happening here? I wonder what grandma will do if she got to know that he is the one whom she curses every day.

Xavier cleared his throat and said while looking in my direction "Ah yes, you can say it's love at first sight" grandma dramatically clapped her hands still looking at him with dreamy eyes, and said, " That's good my daughter is also single". I was literally standing there like a dummy not knowing what to do and I am damn sure by looking at grandma's expression that she had attended our wedding in her dreams.

"Son, have your coffee or else it will get cold," she said Xavier nodded and was about to hold the cup in his hands but grandma interrupted in between and asked "What is your name, son?" and that was it, end of the drama and beginning of destruction. 

"It's Xavier Romano" he answered and was about to take a sip but before that grandma snatched the cup from his hands and his hands, his eyes went wide in shock because this time grandma's dreamy eyes were no longer dreamy but they were spitting fire. She angrily stood up along with her Xavier also slowly stood up with a questionable gaze, I just slowly shook my head letting him know, he is gone now. 

"So you are that douche who ruined my daughter's life and now you tried to make a fool of this old woman to get close to her and hurt her again, you wait I'll show you now how I thrash people like you" she shouted and went to the kitchen, I looked at Xavier he was too surprised to react but now he is no longer surprised but---- scared? I looked in his vision direction and saw grandma coming with a rolling pin his hands started thrashing him.

"I---I'm sorry ma'am *ouch* we can ta--*ahhh*" he was literally begging her to stop. "Help me, Rose, she will kill me" Xavier shouted, and then I came to my senses and went to stop grandma but holding her back seems impossible for me now but to my luck grandpa came after hearing her screams his eyes also went wide in horror looking at her wife beating the man double to her size grandpa hold grandma along with me but still thrashing in our hold to free herself.

"DON'T COME AROUND MY DAUGHTER OR WILL RIP YOUR DICK OUT AND SHOVE INTO YOUR MOUTH" her words didn't only make me shocked but Xavier who was looking as horrified as ever. I don't know how I stopped myself from laughing even in this kind of situation when he looked at his bottom before gulping and after that, it didn't take him a millisecond before vanishing from the bakery like a scared cat.

The whole went in a blink thinking about today, this is not what is supposed to be in my life. I always wished for a loving husband and our small little family but what is happening in my life is totally opposite. Even I am laying on my bed but sleep is far away from my eyes. The cracking door sound made my thoughts halt. I smile looking at grandpa who was smiling with a glass of milk in his hand. He came and sat in front of me.

"I know that you were wide awake after what happened today, so drink this warm milk," he said and forwarded the glass in front of me.

"So, what is bothering you, dear?" he asked I took a sip before answering " I don't know grandpa I always felt an emptiness in my heart but today I felt like that void is filled just by looking at him. I felt---complete. No matter how much I...I try but this st..stupid heart still ye..yearns for him" I was crying by now pouring my emotions out.

"Oh, dear," grandpa said and wiped my tears, and continued "You know Rose, love had two sides if it hurts yet is the biggest healer, if it is someone's weakness but also the biggest strength, if it shows you it's brightest side then it also has the dark side. The more it faces struggles the more it deepens you just need to be patient dear every love story is not of rainbows and sunshine some also had thunder and darkness just like yours and Xavier. Leave everything to god he will lead you to your destination and most importantly stop fighting with your heart because it may heal with time but will never stop hurting". he said and I nodded while playing with my fingers.

"Well I must say his scared face still makes me laugh, your grandma gave him a good beating" he laughed and said and I also couldn't stop  my laugh reminding his face.

"He really loves you dear that's why he is here" he said

"But grandpa, he--he doesn't love me" I whispered.

Grandpa chuckled and said "these hair doesn't turned gray for nothing dear, even if you fell first but he fell harder.

"Fell harder? for me?" I whispered still not able to believe grandpa's words. Why is it so hard to understand him, maybe what grandpa is saying is true otherwise why would he came to me and then everything started clearing in my mind why he was pissed when I told him about my imaginary boyfriend he was definitely jealous and possessive.

If what I am thinking is true then,-----

"I'm not gonna make it easy for you, Xavier".


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