Chapter 19- "Loving you is my biggest regret"

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"What else I can do aunt? Do you have any idea what I have been going through when my own husband treats me like a stranger? When I am longing for his just one glance he had his whole attention on another woman who is the daughter of the so-called murderer of his parents. I just wanted to make my marriage successful for which Rose had to leave and that's what I exactly did even though I had to hurt myself but I don't regret anything". Andrea screamed while tears were running through her eyes.

"I know everything, I know how it feels like Andrea when your husband is not yours," Sofia said making Andrea scrunch her forehead in confusion. "Leave it, but tell me what you are gonna do if Xavier gets to know," Sofia said for diverting Andrea's attention.

"He won't". Andrea said

Both Andrea and Sofia went pale when they heard the voice behind them,

"What the hell you've done?

"Un..Uncle". Andrea mumbled while shaking.

Giovanni took a long stride towards her and caught her by her hair and said while gritting his teeth "You did a huge blunder, do you have any idea if Xavier gets to know about this you are so dead, and this, your stupid trick will be the reason behind your separation and his sympathy and guilt towards her and then no matter what you do you will never get him, you stupid girl".

"Who helped you in this"? Giovanni screamed

"An..Ana" Andrea mumbled.

"What"? Giovanni whispered and slapped her hard "You dumb girl you want to ruin everything, huh?"

"No one will ever talk about this, no one, or else I will kill you both by myself, understood?" Giovanni said while pacing inside the room while the other two women just meekly nodded while shaking.

"Stop staring at me like damn statues you both idiot women, get yourself together Xavier must be coming any time soon and dare to repeat anything again".  Giovanni screamed.

I am sitting near the window hugging myself somehow my own embrace is making me feel safe from this cruel world and the cruelty lying among the people

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I am sitting near the window hugging myself somehow my own embrace is making me feel safe from this cruel world and the cruelty lying among the people. I always waited for someone who will take me out of that hell but little did I know I was going to be thrown into another hell where there is no escape, I always wished that my husband will give me wings who and teach me to fly with happiness without any worry but unfortunate me my own husband betrayed me and tried to rape me. I chuckled at my thought. Husband, he's not husband he never was. Even those birds are lucky who can fly in the infinite blue sky unlike me who can just gaze at the outer world through this window. Someone said very right that life is very unexpectable it's better not to have too many expectations otherwise disappointment slaps you hard. I didn't realize when a lone tear fell from my eye, looks like even my eyes betrayed me.

 I came out of my thoughts when a hand extended towards me with a handkerchief, I immediately pulled back. My fists were holding the hem of my dress tightly due to fear.

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