Chapter 42- Emptiness

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The wind is slowly caressing my hair, I wish the wind could fly my pain away from me, wish it could soothe the burning sensation of my heart

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The wind is slowly caressing my hair, I wish the wind could fly my pain away from me, wish it could soothe the burning sensation of my heart. Since the day I left that house and him my heart and my body is never been at peace his gray orbs still intimidate me in my dreams. I slowly sighed and closed my eyes a tear slid down my eye remembering my last moments with him.

Six months ago

I ran away feeling dejected not because of my uncle's death who was sitting on the chair in front of but because of Xavier who stood with a stoic face beside me no matter how much he is trying to hold his tears but I know from inside he is devasted, my dad or I say my uncle become successful in opening his wounds. He didn't just destroy his life but mine also he kept me in the dark all these years he made us orphans and what made me more disgusted is that we still share blood relations. I slowly sat down while crying hugging myself, I opened my open my eyes when I felt the warm touch on my cheeks unknowingly leaning to his touch.

"Shhh..I know it's too much for both of us but it's over now" Xavier said, even though he is suffering the same maybe more than me he saw his mother dying in front of his innocent eyes still he is here with me cooing the soft words but in return, I had nothing except an apology.

 "Take rest Rose, call me if you need anything, hmm?" he said while pushing my hair behind my ear but at this moment the only thing I know is that I want him. No matter how much he's trying to push me away but I know he wants me the same as I do and eventually we committed the deed. 

Sparkling sunshine made my eyes open and the first thing I saw is enough enough to made me feel serene, him, tears made their way from my eyes because I know this is the last time I am catching this site my fingers traced his face remembering his features. I slowly unwrapped his arms around me and pecked his forehead while caressing his face.

"I am sorry X..Xavier, with me you will only remember your past, my face will always be a reminder of my uncle. I am so, so sorry my". With my last glance at his sleeping form, I left the mansion and him leaving my last words behind.

Present time 

When I left the mansion I had nowhere to go, no family no home just me dragging my suitcase on the deserted street. I was just walking lifelessly without knowing my destination, without knowing where to go I just sat in the bus and ended up in front of the small village at last I broke down crying hysterically on the land weeping covering my face with my hands. My cries seized when I felt a warm hand on my head that's where I met grandma Grace and grandpa Andrew . They both were like the fallen angels in my barren land. They gave me food and place to stay when I had nowhere to go sometimes I wonder how strangers sometimes felt like a family while our own people don't think twice before hurting their own people in greed. My thoughts halted when a felt a soft touch on my cheek. I saw grandma looking at me with concerned face while slowly wiping my tears and I realized why, why they felt like a home to me it's love and humanity.

"Still thinking about him, sweety?" Grandma asked, she knew about me, about everything. I couldn't able to hide my pain from her when she took me in her embrace when I was crying my heart out in a lonely night. I took her wrinkled hand in my hands from my face and started sobbing.

She took me in her embrace and said "Oh dear, just have faith on god he knows the best for us if you two are written in each other's destiny then nothing can stop that just be patient" I smiled and nodded but our gloomy faces didn't last long when grandpa came "I knew that, I just knew that Grace you must be backbitching about me to my daughter, isn't she? Grandpa asked me while raising his eyes and I shrugged my shoulders while laughing making grandma gasped in surprise.

"You little devil, don't  you both feel shame on ganging upon a old lady" grandma said dramatically and grandpa and I just laughed at her tactics.

"What old sweetheart, you are still young as sixteen" grandpa said and grandma playfully hit him while blushing profusely. Grandpa took her in her embrace I was smiling looking at both them thinking this is what we call true love. Even in this age their eyes still shines for each other their heart beats for each other, I wish if Xavier and I could end up like this. Grandpa extended his hand towards me wanting me to join them while smiling and I happily accept their warmth.

"God is indeed merciful, giving us such a precious daughter" grandpa whispered and my hold tighten around them. Truth is I am more thankful to god for giving me a beautiful family.

"Okay, okay now let's go we have to open the bakery" grandma said for which grandpa scoffed grandma eyed him, grandpa gulped looking at his wife who was practically throwing daggers from her eyes and he didn't took a second before running away he is indeed scared of her and it's really funny to look both of them quarelling like kids but still it is the cutest thing. I chuckled at my own thoughts and went to the bakery to help grandma. Grandma's bakery is quite famous in this village so it's obvious to get tired after a whole hectic day but still I like doing this. I took out the cookies from the oven the fragrance of freshly baked chocolate cookies is spreading in the whole kitchen I smiled being satisfied with my work. This is how I spend my whole day somewhat it helps me forgetting my all worries. I might be a bit happy but still there is emptiness residing in my heart without any deny I know it's his presence in my life, his thoughts never left me and my heart. The sound of the door bell made my thoughts halted.

"Welc..." My words stopped in between my smile dropped looking at the person in front of me.


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