Chapter 51- History gonna repeat?

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Everything was like a dream come true since Rose finally accepted my apology

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Everything was like a dream come true since Rose finally accepted my apology. Sometimes I wonder what this woman is made of that even after all she has been through she wanted to forgive everyone for starting our life over again, all these things make me protect her from any evil in this world because the world we are living in is not roses and sunshine it's a marsh when it starts drowning into its darkness there is no way back it will taint your soul to the core.

I looked at her walking towards me with a full-blown smile, which always left me in awe. She extended the coffee cup towards me and sat beside me and snuggled into me. I kissed her forehead and sipped my coffee, I raised my eyebrows looking at her who has an adorable frown on her face. I put my cup on the table and pulled her onto my lap.

"Why this cute little frown, huh?" I whispered bopping her nose which made her more annoyed but I live for her every expression which always melts my heart.

"Do you really have to go?" she asked with a pout.

"I have to, baby," I said and pecked her lips and she sighed. But her expression soon turned into worry.

"Is something bothering you Xavier, you know you can tell me" I know she knows that something is bothering me but how could I tell her the past which destroyed both of us is not over yet and I'm going to hunt it down before it reaches her before it turned our life upside down again.

"Nothing baby just work. Don't worry I will take care of everything" I said hoping she could understand the hidden meaning behind my words.

Her eyes still looked uncertain with my answer but this is the better option than worrying her. I pecked her forehead and lips and left for my company.

"Xavier son, calm down. If screaming makes that bastard comes to you by himself then scream as much as you want" Uncle said while gritting his teeth.

"Then what should I do uncle, that bastard was equally guilty as that Alex, Alex is dead and he's is still roaming outside freely. It's been one month and still, we couldn't find a trace of him. If everything was like before then I would have waited for another 18 years but this time I had someone to lose. This time if something happens to her then I will die" I said and Uncle looked at me with guilt and sadness in his eyes.

The pinging sound of my phone broke my thoughts. My blood boiled in rage, the audacity of that bastard. He knows, he knows that I am searching for him.

"Impatient to meet me, don't worry I will come by myself soon. History's gonna repeat after all"

I was on the verge of bursting with anger. My phone was already in some corner. I flipped the whole table shattering everything on it. I was screaming like a madman destroying everything. My breath was heavy in anger and still, it didn't stop me. A loud slap echoed, and my face was turned to the side due to a heavy blow.

I regained my posture and saw Uncle glaring at me furiously " Yes scream and destroy everything like a raging bull this is what I taught you, huh? This is how you will lose your calm with just a text. Remember Xavier this all shit will not make anything easier for us so it's better for you to keep your sanity otherwise anger will become your biggest enemy before him" he said.

I groaned running my fingers through my locks but whatever he is saying is right. "Where is Sam?" I asked.

"I don't know I thought you know," he said and I closed my eyes in annoyance hearing the pinged sound of the phone again.

Uncle was looking at my cracked screen phone his face was almost pale he was sweating, and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion looking at him.

"What happened?" I asked and he handed me my phone.

I saw the picture of my all guards dead piled upon each other in my garden. I scrolled down and found a text from my soul leaving my body reading it.

"Told you I am coming and also got a precious little thing of yours"

Without any other thoughts, I ran to my car. I was driving at full speed at that time I was just hoping to find Rose at home and collect her in my embrace. My heart was thumping loudly. My car stopped in front of the mansion. I ran inside the mansion, the whole mansion was covered with darkness embracing silence except for the sound of raindrops. I was calling her name but no reply. I was running here and there like a madman. I came to the garden my whole body was drenched in rain, and the thundering sound of clouds was increasing with my heartbeats.

The dead bodies of all my guards came into my view, their diluted blood with rain water was reaching my shoes. I swear I will avenge each and every innocent life but more than anger I was feeling vulnerable. Frustration was making me more miserable that I didn't even know how to find her.

Again a message popped on my phone screen. My heart fell into a pit looking at it, Rose was lying unconscious, and her wrists and legs were tied with a rope. My hands turned into fists looking at the handprint on her cheek, her forehead was bleeding. Dread was running through my veins thinking what if history will repeat again and what if I couldn't able to save the person I love again?

I again tapped my screen looking for another message, location, he sent me her location. Rose is just bait, he wants me.

"I promise Rose, even if I am going to die but I won't let anything happen to you," I said, my salty tears running down my face along with showering raindrops.

I hopped in my car and came in front of the abandoned building. The crushing sound of dried leaves was echoing in the silence with my footsteps. My steps halted feeling another presence around before I could turn around I felt a strong blow on my head. My fingers ran through it, my fingers were coated in my blood. My vision started getting blurred and my body hit the ground.

Before I lost consciousness I saw him looking at me with the same wicked smirk but this time the face was familiar very familiar who has been closest to me all this time.



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