Chapter 14 - With him

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" I know you're Xavier's wife," Ana said making Andrea pale.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I told you we all are getting benefits, you will get your husband I'll get rid of that bitch, and that Jacob will have his love moreover enemy's enemy is a friend so think wisely. I'll wait for your call" Ana smirked and left Andrea, still lost in her thoughts.

 I'll wait for your call" Ana smirked and left Andrea, still lost in her thoughts

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It has been almost two hours since I locked her in the room. She was continuously banging on the door while crying. Her words were stabbing my heart with each and every second. I was so close to losing her but now I can't risk that again even if my presence disgusts her but I don't fucking care. She will stay here with me as long as I want. I will not let her go, even if I have to keep her against her will. But what will happen if she gets to know that Andrea is my wife not my sister. No no, I will not let her know especially now.

I slowly opened the door and found her sleeping on the floor while laying her head on the bed. Her nose was tinted red, and her cheeks were covered in dried tears. She was looking like an angel. I slowly crouch down and tuck her hair behind her ears. I was busy admiring her when she immediately pushed me to the ground.

"What are you doing? How dare you touch me again". Rose screamed her eyes were glistening with tears. At that moment I just wanted to hug her but the thoughts of my revenge and that bastard refrained me back. I don't want to have any soft spot for her in my heart but little did I know she had my whole heart. I immediately snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her towards me. She was directly looking into my eyes with tears. Her glistening eyes were reflecting her pain, which I gave her. We would be in a different situation only if she was not his daughter. The hatred in her eyes for me was making my heart crumble.

"Why are you doing this? At least tell me, what I have ever done to you. Please let me go." She said while sniffing. "I can't let you at least for now. Start adjusting here it will be better for you". I said and stormed out of the room and locked her from outside.

 I said and stormed out of the room and locked her from outside

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Xavier has locked me inside this room for about two hours. I was banging the door continuously while crying I didn't realise when I dozed off. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Xavier staring at me with some unknown emotions. I immediately pushed him but he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I was looking in his eyes which used to hold adoration for me once but now they are void. My senses got numb after knowing that he had no intentions of letting me go. My body started shivering and my head was aching like it's gonna burst soon, tears were continuously pooling from my eyes. I have never felt this helpless and lonely before. This pain was crushing my soul slowly. With my shivering legs, I slowly lay on the bed and dozed off.

I was feeling like I was drowning in the water which was cutting my breaths. I was thrashing my legs in the water but I kept on drowning. My eyes opened when I realized it wasn't a dream but someone was trying to kill me by pushing a pillow on my face. I was struggling to breathe, I was thrashing my legs and hand. I stood up with wobbly legs and ran out of the room when I found no one in the room.  I was screaming Xavier's name and immediately hugged him. I was crying hysterically and seeking comfort in his arms who is responsible for my every pain. He detached himself from me and cupped my face in his hands.

"What happened Rose, are you okay"?

"Some..Someone tried to k..kill me, I..I am scared Xa..Xavier". I said, his eyes were dark, and his jaw was clenched in anger. He immediately hugged me and said, "No one can hurt you till I am alive". He picked me in a bridal style and laid me down on the bed.

"If you want something then tell me, okay? If will find out whoever tried to do this" he said and I immediately caught his wrist "Please stay" I said, for once I want to forget everything and seek his warmth, for once I want to become selfish.

"Okay, I am here..with you," he said and started patting my head and I dozed off.


"What do you think you were doing, Andrea?" Sofia said while gritting her teeth.

"I was killing that bitch aunty, she snatched my Xavier from me". Andrea said while crying

"Don't be stupid Andrea, do have any idea what you were doing? You nearly killed her, thankfully I saw you on time or else, I can't even imagine"

"That's what I wanted I wanted to kill her but because of you, she's still alive. Xavier will never love me till she's alive.  The fact, that she's living with us is making me crazy aunty."

"Shut up Andrea, killing her is not a way and do you think Xavier will love you when he gets to know that you tried to kill her. He will bury you alive without any second thought. Don't lose your mind in rage." Sofia said and stormed out of her room.

Andrea was still crying. Her eyes were red due to continuously crying. "I already lost my mind at that moment when I saw love in his eyes which was not for me but for her. I can't let him go like this. He married me, I am his wife and I will not let him go. I think I know who will help me now". Andrea said and wiped her tears and called someone.

"What  I have to do?"


Hello readers. 

I know it's been a more than a week since I updated but you know studies are impossible to neglect. 

Anyways how was the chapter, do comment.

Don't forget to vote.

With love


Happy Reading

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