Chapter 41- His feelings

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        Author's pov

Just a letter and she was gone, that's all Xavier able to think all the happiness he felt that night started crashing down in front of his eyes. It's been six months since she left him. The bloated ink on the letter is the evidence of the grief that had escaped from his eyes whenever he read, a letter and her wedding ring is all he had to keep with him belonged to her. He was always alone always had been till she entered his life he was hanging on the hope that he was not alone he had someone to call his own but when she left him he was devastated even to think anything else but at last, this is what he wanted, right? He didn't want to be selfish anymore he wanted her to live her life the way she wanted for that he had to accept her decision and let her go but in letting her go he lost himself.

The room vibrated from the ringing of the alarm but Xavier's eyes were wide open he didn't have a blink of sleep the whole night, tiredness and eye bags were evident on his face. He slowly stood up and sighed and went to the bathroom. Clearing the steam-coated mirror with his hand he was staring at his own naked reflection to be precise her wedding ring which was hanging around his neck. His fingers wiped the lone tear that fell from his eyes.

Loud footsteps were echoing on the polished floor, dressed in a black suit, chiseled jaw hair set back with gel, and Rolex resting on a wrist. His gloominess, loneliness, and sadness were surrounded by coldness. His looks were worthy to swoon off but in these months everyone in the company knows that their boss is no less than any devil one mistake and your carrier will crash on your feet. He went towards his cabin without giving any glance to anyone some people looked scared and some were daydreaming about him. Before getting inside he turned around and said "Mr. Wheeler, in my office" leaving the man shaking in fear. Everyone was looking at him with pity, with shivering steps he went towards his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Xavier said with a strong authoritative voice.

"Si..Sir, the files pl...please have a l..look" Mr. Wheeler said and slowly placed the file on the desk. Xavier opened the file and started reading and soon threw the file on the man's face in front of him who was looking a little confident about his work.

"This is what you call work, huh? Do you think I am running a small business here, this is fucking Romano Enterprises, do you have any idea about the worth of this project dammit? I don't need employees like you in my company, you're fired Mr, wheeler." Xavier screamed.

"S..Sir please g..give me one chance". Mr. Wheeler begged but the stare from his boss was enough for him to get that his words are a line of stone and no one can change his decision so he left. Xavier groaned and massaged his throbbing head. He stood up looking at the city from a glass window of his office with a cigarette between his fingers puffing the smoke out. His office's door thud opened by Sam who was looking furiously at Xavier who looked unbothered about his presence and continued puffing his death stick which only made Sam more furious he took angry steps towards Xavier and turned him around by his collar who was still looking at him unbothered.

"What the hell is wrong with you man?" Sam screamed but Xavier jerked his hand off his grip and dusted his shirt off to which Sam scoffed irritatingly.

"What do you want Sam?" Xavier said monotonously

"What I want Xavier, don't you know what the fuck you are doing man. You freaking fired thirty employees in a month and look at you, you look nothing less than a zombie. You work like a robot, you drink like a fucking drunkard, insomniac or what or not. You are ruining yourself since Rose left" Sam screamed knowing that just a mention of Rose was enough to trigger his temper and that's what he want. He wanted his friend to react even if it meant his anger because since she left he had surrounded himself with coldness and voidness.

"Stop talking about her, you fucker" Xavier screamed and punched Sam in the face. Same wiped the blood from his busted lip and said "Why? Xavier, why she is effecting affecting you that much when this is bound to happen we all knew after this game of vengeance will finish you both are going to separate." Sam said

"I said stop, Sam," Xavier said while gritting his teeth. His fists were clenched body was shaking in anger but Sam didn't stop because it is the only way to get things out that he is burying inside.

"Why, Xavier? What she means to you is that you are becoming fucking drunkard for her. It's not like you have any feelings for her or maybe you do. Tell me Xavier what are you scared off". Sam said.

"Yes I do, I freaking love her dammit" Xavier screamed and Sam was looking at Xavier without any shock because he always knew that from the way Xavier looked at Rose Xavier just realized it late but Sam knows that it's not too late now, and he needs to make him realize it that.

"Then, why don't you find her? Sam whispered.

Xavier hooked his head negatively while tears were making the way out of his eyes "I ca..can't Sam, she doesn't wan..want me. Why she wa...want a man who is be...behind her misery. Th..this distance made me re..realize her importance in my and my feeli..feelings for her. If sh..she wants a life wi..without me then I w..won't drag her b..back in my mess. I ca..can't be selfish". Xavier whimpered but Sam slapped him on his face making him look at Sam with confusion.

"Are you stupid or what Xavier? Did Rose ever say she doesn't want you in her life? Did she ever say not to find her? No, right. She is gone because somewhere she felt guilty because no matter what Alex was her uncle and you know her well she blames herself for everything. What we say is not always what we wanted sometimes your feelings are enough to make you realize". Sam said while huffing due to the anger he is feeling for his stupid friend who is standing like an abandoned kid in front of him.

"What if sh..she still doesn't wa..want me anymore?" Xavier said while sniffing.

"Xavier no matter how alluring love looks like but its way contains thorns. It's easy to love my friend but difficult to fight for love, the one who fights is the one who truly loves. If she rejects you then try again and again to make her realize that she is not the only one who loves you but you too love her with the same intensity.  Win her man, not just her but her heart too." Sam said while Xavier's lips curled in a small smile looking at the shining hope in front of him.

Xavier wiped his tears and said, "I am coming Rose to win you, and your heart".


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