Chapter 44- Possessive Jerk

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A few days ago

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A few days ago

The sun is already peaking through the white curtains of the windows even if this makes my surroundings serene but my heart is still not at peace. The cold bed beside me is enough to freeze my soul with the emotions of emptiness in my life. It's been six months since I've been searching for her everywhere since Sam made me realize how I am giving up on the woman I've loved after my mother. My sudden love confession in front of Sam was more surprising for me while Sam was staring at me like he always knew it but for me, I was always unaware of my feelings my dreadful past had me shut down all of my emotions but at that time I said something expected that--- I love her but somewhat it felt like a huge weight had lifted from my heart and that's when I realized that you realize the real value of a person in your when they are not around you. In these six months, I am searching for her like a crazy man I even lost count of how many private investigators I fired till now but still no success with time my restlessness is increasing more and more to have her in my arms, to kiss her and to--- to confess her that how much I love her.

By huffing my thoughts with a sigh I made myself ready to start another day without her beside me. I was looking at the setting sun through the large glass window of my office clutching the ring in my fist tied around my neck. My trance broke by the knock on the door.

"Come in," I said, and Mr. Jones came in, he is one of the personal detectives I've hired after firing numerous detectives. His face was easy to let me know his answer but still, a little urging hope inside me wanted to listen if he is able to find out even the little information.

"Any information?" I asked but he just looked down to the floor and negatively nodded his head.
Disappointment and fury were crushing my heart into millions, by composing my withering heart I shouted "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE" and Mr. Jones ran out while shivering what else could I expect the great Xavier Romano is acting like a maniac in search of his life, his Rose. I looked around and found the sun had already set and the darkness is started covering my surroundings I didn't realize when this all-stored frustration and pain came out from my eyes. Soon my legs also gave up on me and I fell to the ground clutching her ring in my fist. I was crying my heart out even after knocking on all doors in search of her I got nothing but disappointment and this is killing me, how long do I have to wait, when I will be able to hold her again in my arms when I will able to confess my love for her are the only questions lingering inside my brain eating me out.

My thoughts came to halt when I felt the presence beside me I looked and found my uncle sitting beside me gazing at the moon through the window. I was just looking at him not knowing what to say or do but soon he looked towards me and with a soft smile and said: "Xavier son, you always asked me why I and your aunt never had our own kids, you know why"? Uncle asked and I slowly nodded my head negatively.

He softly sighed and said "Because even after three years of our marriage your aunt and I were trying hard to have a baby but fate was not on our side so we decided to go to the doctor for treatment and soon our prayers were heard, we were so happy when we got to know we could have our child now but before that, that unfortunate night took our everything, my brother and sister-in-law. When your aunt saw you crying over your parents' loss alone in the dark that's when we decided we don't need any child anymore because you were already our child. We adopted you and trust me we tried our best to be your parents maybe our love was not enough and we just left as your uncle and aunt but trust me, son, we love you like our own child and it hurts to see you like this. I want my old Xavier who knows how to fight, who never gave up on anything even if it is a hope" My whole body shuddered with all the overwhelming feelings. I felt guilty for being like this and hurting those people who wished for nothing but my happiness. I wiped his tears and hugged him tightly his hands were stroking my hair.

Uncle slowly detached himself from me and took out a folder from his bag and extended it towards me while I was looking at him with confusion lingering on my face. "I was not able to save you from your childhood misery but now I can," he said but still confusion was intact on my face.

"What is this, uncle," I asked

"Everything for which you were dying to find in these six months," he whispered skipping my heartbeat. I slowly opened the file with shivering hands looking at my Rose's pictures, she is working in a bakery with a beautiful smile on his lips just like I always liked. I tightly hugged my uncle while crying and couldn't stop thanking him numerous times. He chuckled and said "show your love to me later go and get my daughter-in-law in first" I happily nodded, and I am sure my happiness beaming on my face.

"I showed you a way to her but you have to find the way to heart by yourself," he said.

"I know uncle, this time I won't leave any chance to make her realize my love for her" I replied with a huge smile and mountain-heightened confidence.

Present time

Here she is caging between me and the kitchen counter cheeks dusted with flour, messy bun with flicks covering her face. I know very well she is lying to me, I know her more than she knows herself and moreover, she is like an open book easy to read she doesn't know how to lie and to be exact with whom she is lying but still her talking about any random male species named Ryan made my heart burn in jealousy, possessiveness ran through my spine like this woman in front of me is mine and I didn't felt any guilt in letting her know that she belongs to me, only me.

Her face lost color when I decided to play along with her about her so-called imaginary boyfriend. It's fun looking at her like this and I am sure just by looking at her that she must be cursing herself thousand times for lying to me. I was literally suppressing myself to let my laugh out looking at her, I told her that I am not even moving without meeting her boyfriend which means I'm not going any time soon because she had no boyfriend.

Her glaring eyes and puffed cheeks in anger are the cutest things to see in the world. If you ask me to call someone cute before I would have totally annoyed but look at me now.

You are whipped

My conscience said and I internally smiled because surely I'm whipped over this woman who opened her way to my bruised heart and soul and healed it unknowingly. I can lay my whole world on her feet.

"Why you are being a possessive jerk for no reason, get out of here, I don't want you to meet Ryan," Rose said while gritting her teeth and seriously it was making me laugh more than being scared.

"I can't because I am a possessive jerk, baby," I said with a smirk lingering on my lips making her more annoyed.


Wishing you all a very Happy New Year readers. Hope you all have a happy and healthy year ahead💖💖💖

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