Chapter 22- "We won't tell her anything"

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After Andrea left my room, I turned my whole room into the mess in rage

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After Andrea left my room, I turned my whole room into the mess in rage. I was angry, with myself more how could I just let her kiss me, and for fucking god's sake I was standing like a statue and talking about that great timing, Rose witnessed the whole shit, her eyes were enough for anyone to analyze her emotions. She misunderstood everything I am feeling guilty no matter what it is hard for me to stand her tears for an unknown reason. "Look who's saying who is behind her most of the pain". My inner self mocked me making me scoff. Maybe I should just explain her, but with what relation? Maybe I should go and see her yeah that will be good with that I went to her room with a plate of food and found her silently gazing out of the window. She was so engrossed in gazing that she didn't even realize my presence. I went towards her and slowly shake her, but she looked at me blankly with her swollen blue eyes. Sometimes her words indeed hurt me but her silence was eating me. So many things to say but stopped halfway, say it was my ego or our ill fate together. I silently placed the plate in front of her and was about to go but my steps halted when she said to let her go. Anger or should I say fear of getting her away from me took my nerves but I cast a blank face her next words made me freeze on spot.

Stop treating me like you own me because I'm not your mistress" Is she mad or what, anger took over my calm but I know my words were enough to hurt her, again and she ran away. I smashed the vase and ran behind her but what I saw took my soul away. She was lying on the floor, her head was bleeding heavily. 

"Rose open your eyes" I gently tapped her face but got no response. "Get the car ready" I screamed and lift her in bridal style and ran towards the hospital. I was running into the hospital with her in my arms, my white shirt was drenched in her blood.

"Doctor please save my wife," I said, I didn't realize tears were making their way out through my eyes.

"Please calm down she had lost so much blood Mr. Romano we'll try our best". The doctor said but I caught him by his collar and screamed "Save my wife or else I will destroy this whole damn hospital including you" the doctor's face went pale, but he nodded and went inside the operation theatre. I immediately called Sam and he also came to the hospital while huffing. With each and every second anxiety was taking over my body, sweat beads were forming on my forehead, I was on the edge of losing my sanity, my rose

"How did it happen?" Sam asked 

"I don't know or may...maybe it's my fault I shouldn't have said that to her". I mumbled blankly but Sam punched me hard on my face and I didn't stop him because I deserve this. I pushed him off when I saw the doctor was coming from the OT.

"How's she doctor?" I asked my whole body was desperate to hear about her well-being. 

" She is fine now, her body is still weak and we have to keep her under observation for 24 hours but--".. the doctor said and I cut him between, fear engulfed my body to hear his next words.

" but we couldn't save the baby"

The doctor said making my heart stop for a second, she was pre..pregnant. We lost our baby just because of my stupidity because of my damn ego, anger, and revenge, I took the life of an innocent who had no fault in this.

"She was pregnant?" Sam asked

"Yes she was three weeks pregnant," The doctor said

Three weeks, it's been three weeks since that night, maybe my life is not a curse maybe I am a curse first mom, dad, and now our baby they are all gone just because of me. Rose she almost lost her life just because of me.

My thoughts were cut down when the doctor said "Can you spare me a minute Mr. Romano, I want to discuss something with you in private". I slowly nodded and followed him to his cabin and sat in front of me.

"I want to ask you something about your wife Mr. Romano," the doctors said making my eyebrows frown in confusion and I nodded slowly.

"Mr. Romano I think your wife was getting abused for a long time". My all senses got on alert after hearing this, what abused? she was being abused by someone for a long time.

"How? I mean how is it possible, doctor? I asked

"After running tests on her we found she had old burn marks, cut marks on her body and she had broken ribs also". The doctor said making my blood boil, I swear whoever did this to her I will make their life hell with that I came out of his cabin and found Sam looking at me with a questionable look.

"What does he say?" Sam asked

"I want you to find everything about Rose's past, everything means everything," I said with a stern voice making him confused.

"Will you just tell me what the heck he said?" Sam said

"He said she was freaking being abused for a long time, "I screamed making his eyes widen in surprise.

"What?" he whispered while looking through the glass wall of the room where Rose was kept with lots of wire attached to her. Tears slipped through my eyes after looking at her pale face and lifeless body. At that moment I realized that she's that part of life whom I can neither hate nor love but still she's the most essential part of life whom I can never let go. Because she's the first person for whom I shed tears after my parents died. She is my sanity which I can't lose at any cost or I will lose myself.

I wiped my tears when Sam slowly patted my shoulder and said "I don't know what happened between you two but you have to stay strong for her, you have to be her support. No matter what you both lost your baby". Sam said but do I really want to tell her about the baby, no. Firstly I want to know her, about her past and I know she will not able to tolerate any more pain.

I looked toward Sam and blankly said---

"We won't tell her anything"


The story is going to be more interesting now. Upcoming chapters are soon gonna blow your minds up people. So tighten your seatbelts and wait for the next till then 


Please don't forget to vote it will encourage me to write more..💜


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